They were all males, though.

Let's lock you all down. Can't be too careful!!

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It should be easy to find, since it will be in a holster.

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Book him, Dan-O!

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Your second amendment rights extend as far into Gaylord National Harbor as they do into NRA HQ.

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It's what we in the biz call a Placeholder.

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If she gets it on with her SS agent, we got ourselves a romance novel.

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damn, this dude is a total bummer. what's good for the goose, is good for the gander. the right were unified in their hatred for obama, and actively called for him to fail. now, we should all link arms and have happy happy joy joy feels for dumpy? his goal is to eliminate everything the government does for it's citizens, and only keep, and strengthen what it does to them. fuck that in the ass with a telephone pole, sideways.

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He exchanged them for phones, remember?

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This guy sounds like an hysterical paranoid who needs his morning dose of thorazine. Who gave him the day pass anyway?

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No wonder he's not in favor of keeping guns out of the hands of crazy people.

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So, basically, he wants the world to know that we're the HUGEST, bestest, bigly armed, dangerous s.o.b.s on earth. They need to know Trump is number one and be afraid. HELL YEAH!!!! U.S.A.!U.S.A.!U.S.A.!

But no fucks will be given to the wellbeing of the actual human beings in America. Why bother? Helping them doesn't make Trump's gold-leaf balls appear any bigger to the foreigns! So fuck 'em.

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where do I sign up for one of those sweet, high-paying protesting gigs? I could use a little extra cash. is there a job board or something?

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Isn't blocking roads - and thus access to work, school, and medical care - what (Republican) Christie got caught doing?

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with their fine Corinthian leather trying to lure away our women....

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Nah, I think he knows full well, that he's spouting bullshit. His job, indeed, the main purpose of the NRA, is to sell more guns. His speeches are meant to scare the crapout of the dipshit followers of Lord Dampnut, so they spend what's left of their paychecks on guns and ammo that they really don't need.

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