I call her 'KeighLeigh McNeighNeigh'. She should go full faux-Olde-English to social climb: it would be easier on her knees.

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Yes, like the collaborators in France after WW2

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Daddy wasn't exactly an Adonis either:


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The FRC probably got the shipment

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I just want him to be imprisoned, but led in his prison clothes through the street, handcuffed, a real perp walk, while literally EVERYONE jeers and mocks him

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I know right? like an icecream collection is anything other than a bit of fun/whimsy, but this idiot's tweets are perfect.. smh

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I had to look it up.

And if Trump is worse what ending will fate bring him?

Quisling was executed by FIRING SQUAD. Commenting rules inhibit any speculation on my part about that.

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That's what I pictured too.But, it hasn't got a camel, so it may be above Rump's level....

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I like it - it's somewhere you can fall into. Mind the gap.

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Ooh, Gasp, you got me. [plop]

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a worthy use of our wonkette donations! but stick to candy.

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better yet, imagine them having to purchase it from california, for hugely inflated prices, to pay california back for all the red state welfare all these years.

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we could all promise that we would not think less of him (as if we could) :)

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I am not sure he will ever be indicted. But i am sure he will not stand trial. His lawyers, paid in advance with cash, will have him declared mentally incompetent and unable to participate in his defense. His family, those not in prison, will have him put in a rubber room at Mar-a-Lago.

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Our Boyfriend Governor Newsom has been known to refer to Cali as a "nation-state," Deeply grateful for my citizenship here :))

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Well, he clearly has no backbone, sooo...

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