Understand he worked as a "Midnight Cowboy" in Paris for a while.

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Saw the Neville's twice, once with Dr. John. I count myself as blessed.

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She's welcome to eat some tainted meat from her own crappy restaurant and shit herself into oblivion.

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Could we turn that on any earlier, like around the age where they learn about making choices?

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It's one of those deals where I just want to apologize for being "American," as seen by foreign detractors.

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Well, it's in English...

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Watching a loop of Lucy with the football and a trusting Charlie Brown.

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Somebody who is sloppy around pork is not someone whose greasy spoon I would patronize on a bet.

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In other primates, yes.

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I saw a statistic for New York 70% of African Americans in the city aren’t vaccinated. I understand that black people in America haven’t had the greatest shakes with healthcare because Henrietta Lacks and the Tuskegee experiments happened COVID is a reality that is killing people and if they are that paranoid they should try to go out to the whiter suburbs and get vaccinated.

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Why is damage always on the 'left?'

The 'right' should bear some of the burden.

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NM opens completely on July 1. I expect we'll be in lockdown before Aug 15.

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I would have tied my mother to a chair to keep that from happening.

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When they become too dumb to feed themselves, please don't help them.

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How would you tell?

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