and dry them and pound them into powder and add them to selected bags of rose food and sell them to fucking idiots who think this kind of thing works. We will never speak of it again.
Say hello to my little Banhammer. There are many like it, but only this one is mine.
Also, you're either lying or misinformed about the notion that Congress declared Confederate veterans to be U.S. military veterans. That's a complete myth. In 1958, Congress did pass an act to enable pensions to be paid to the few surviving widows of Confederate veterans, and to allow aging Confederate vets to receive VA benefits. It did not, however, retroactively confer U.S. veteran status on the Confederate soldiers themselves, seeing as how they fought for a foreign nation that was at war with the United States of America.
Hey, cutie-pie, is there a point in there somewhere or are you just sputtering in impotent rage that your hero is being called the skidmark on humanity's underwear that he always was?
You missed Hoff's point that the reason most Southerners fought was because the North invaded the South.
The reasons the North invaded were certainly valid, but soldiers fight fairly fiercely to protect themselves, their buddies and their homes. Politics rarely has anything to do with the reasons the grunts go to war.
There were also black Confederate soldiers. Look up Holt Collier.
Harry Truman was a member of the KKK from 1920-1922. Why is his statue still in Independence Square, Independence, MO?
and dry them and pound them into powder and add them to selected bags of rose food and sell them to fucking idiots who think this kind of thing works. We will never speak of it again.
Are you sure, Shy, because my co-worker keeps telling me she is Satan.
Say hello to my little Banhammer. There are many like it, but only this one is mine.
Also, you're either lying or misinformed about the notion that Congress declared Confederate veterans to be U.S. military veterans. That's a complete myth. In 1958, Congress did pass an act to enable pensions to be paid to the few surviving widows of Confederate veterans, and to allow aging Confederate vets to receive VA benefits. It did not, however, retroactively confer U.S. veteran status on the Confederate soldiers themselves, seeing as how they fought for a foreign nation that was at war with the United States of America.
Who was he? I've read a bit of Poe's literary criticism but I can't think who that would have been. Just curious, you understand.
'We.' *snickers* You and your imaginary friend are busy little fuckers, aren't you?
Not with their new coach, that's for sure.
Hey, cutie-pie, is there a point in there somewhere or are you just sputtering in impotent rage that your hero is being called the skidmark on humanity's underwear that he always was?
That's a really good idea.
It already is the law of the land, it is called Southern Baptist Convention.
The War of Northern Aggression...
You missed Hoff's point that the reason most Southerners fought was because the North invaded the South.
The reasons the North invaded were certainly valid, but soldiers fight fairly fiercely to protect themselves, their buddies and their homes. Politics rarely has anything to do with the reasons the grunts go to war.
So there must be scads of documentation about Forrest, Sherman and the Fort Pillow Massacre.
BTW, if Forrest couldn't stop his troops from massacreein' the surrendered troops, how much of a leader was he exactly?
"Oh my, our boys are slaughtering those POWs. Ah should stop them, but ah'm havin' the vapors today and ah just cain't do it."
You mean in the year 2525? That's only 510 years away.
Sounds like Sherman was worse than Forrest, where's the screaming?