She is a beautiful little girl!

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That is indeed clever, but far too nuanced for this crowd. My sweet, hillbilly boss literally had no idea about what I was talking when I used the term, "biracial."

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Someone seriously asked me if Croatian was "like Dominican, maybe?"

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No little Charlotte is a princess. The other Charlotte was Queen of England.

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But she's the queen of my heart.

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Your friend Bob Whitaker is mushroom compost. That's one down and about 999,999 to go.

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It's not that a debt isn't owed. It's that having the government interfere in people's personal decisions, whether it's whom to marry or when to have a baby, does not work out well.

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As a person who lives with the British monarch as head of state, I am amazed by how many progressively minded Americans are enthused for this anachronistic celebration of imperialism and class privilege.

It's the hats.

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But here you are -- posting away.

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How can you hate Toronto? It's in Canada. You can't hate Canada.

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It's been fun watching all sides get their knickers in a twist over the daughter of a white man. The tears of the SJWs over not being able to describe her as "black", various "race experts" claiming they know all about it when they don't have a clue and the bitterness of the frogposters and ethnostate autists all being equally salty. Possibly the best thing is the expression "mixed race" which was previously considered borderline hate speech is now all over the media. This is a pot that needed to be stirred and pretty Meghan has done it admirably.

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Kind of reminds me of when Bill Clinton nominated Lani Guinier for the post of Assistant US Attorney General. One dummy in the MSM was dismissive of her saying something along the lines of, "bright mind, weird hair." I was thinking, "Well hell, she is biracial - what the hell does he think her hair is supposed to look like - blonde and poker straight?" A**hole! (Clinton withdrew the nomination by the way.)

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The fun thing is unlike Obama, Meghan is not under any mandated term limits. Like a Supreme Court justice she is in for life. Let the racists stew over that.

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Basically, I’m gunning for this: https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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That great philosopher Charlie Farquharson once pointed out that the only thing that truly keeps Canada together is that everyone else hates Toronto.

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