I take offense at that, Jackson actually fought in battle

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Being a bi/pan person, i feel the same way. "At least i can date women" i thought then i felt bad for thinking that and for all my LGBT friends especally all my transgender ones

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When I first told my then-husband, the first time I realized there might be a NAME for what you are when you never want sex, he shouted at me, "WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, THAT YOU REPRODUCE BY BUDDING?!" I ugly cried. But no one else who cares about me has reacted that way. I've been lucky.

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I, too, feel fortunate to have amazing friends (who all, incidentally, happen to be queer) that are very supportive of me.

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The interwebz has been crashing every 5 minutes or so since 2AM. I mentioned it to 'Trix but thought it must just be here in the Phillyburbs.

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Dubya & Michelle have developed a lovely relationship. If you can, look up the pics from the museum dedication.

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Sorry, that's failing too: Consumerist - Toblerone gets hit by shrink ray, blames euro

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They're government employees. FRWNJ stepdad - retired Fed - is totally convinced Trump is going to raise his retirement pay.

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My best bro is gay. He's living in Las Vegas right now, and I miss him like a hole in my heart sometimes. He already knows I'll fly across the country if I have to for him, now he knows I'll fight for his rights, too.

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And that is one bit of prognosticating that actually came true. The sun is upObjection! It has been over cast and stormy most of the day here :/ Now finally as it is breaking up, the sun is going down.

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Funny, "scream" was #3 on my list (after "sob" and "pull covers over head")

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It doesn't matter. We're so screwed because of SCOTUS. There is really no recovering from this. It doesn't matter if he goes down in flames, because he's pushed the rest of in ahead of him.

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Should I be that guy? Sure: even if we turn the Earth into a radioactive lifeless husk, the sun will still rise in the morning, because angular momentum.

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sorry - i am not part of trumps america -

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Nope. But you are part of ours. Wonkette Nation!

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How about you replace the baton with a stick of dynamite?

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