Shy worked hard on this. See musical version here.
As we mentioned this morning, poor ol' Mitch McConnell took it kind of personally that the mean old Democrats, whom he excluded from having any input into his secret plans to murder the Affordable Care Act, refused to take part in the Republican reindeer games. Not that they were invited, but the whole thing just struck him as terribly unfair. People on Twitter couldn't help but notice ol' Mitch crying like a common Boehner:
Soulless "poor me" McConnell Crying After His Kill-Americans-To-Give-Tax-Breaks-To-The-Rich SkinnyBill Failed!!! ??
— Trump's ZombieLand (@StevenReyCristo) July 28, 2017
Someone please tell McCoonnell that the Democrats did tell the Republican majority what their solution to the health care insurance problem is. It even has a name: the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare". The Republicans need to tell us their suggestions for improving it, not to ruin it.
I'm okay wth Ana Navarro, also too. I may disagree wIth her about many things, but she's not an asshole.