Yesterday, in a teleprompter-ed speech that he still managed to screw up, Donald Trump asserted himself as a better friend to the LGBT community than Hillary Clinton, due to his plan to end all terrorism forever by repeating the phrase "Radical Islamic Terrorism" over and over again and banning Muslims and Syrian refugees, who may not even be Muslims, from entering the country.
Exactly. We wee gays+ in 40 years have moved mountains. Congrats bigots, you've mobilized us on one of the most intractable problems of our time. I see on my fb newsfeed formally apolitical twinks up-in-hairless-arms over this. They're gonna vote this November, no doubt about that, missy.
I'm trying to get this list straight, so maybe I can figure this out. Man commits a sin, God gets pissed and then he creates a disaster to teach us a lesson, right? So, gay men cause hurricanes. Lesbians bring earthquakes. Trans-people are, what ...drought? ...famine?
Well, we know he hasn't cared about milk and meat together for centuries, but adultery, divorce, murder and theft have dropped of the list too I guess. A divorced guy can have all of the straight sex he wants, rob a bank, kill a bunch of people, then sit down to a big plate of Veal Parmigiana and God doesn't send down so much as a painful hangnail.
This leads me to one of two conclusions. Either God is getting a little senile, or, maybe he's just a little too obsessed with the gays ... if you know what I mean. Maybe he's been in the closet a little too long. It would explain all that weird shit he went through to have a kid.
There are more queer Muslims than Muslim terrorists, Donald. I've seen Muslims at every vigil I've attended; every vigil across the country, all of them, have likely had Muslims in attendance. Where have you been, Donnie?
Don't you dare talk to us like we're your average low-information racist fuckwad Republican voters, asshole. We know who our people are. And if I have to pick between Donald Trump and Muslims, you can bet your ass that I will happily take the Muslims.
In case you missed it: Trump's supporters or campaign made a fake Phoenix LGBT org Twitter account to endorse him The actual LGBT community of Phoenix had to denounce him.
Maybe I'm just upset and sleep deprived, but whatever, shut up, here I go.
I've seen the size of the universe. I've seen how our sun is a very ordinary star in our galaxy, which is itself a very ordinary galaxy. Even the enormous cluster of galaxies we float in is just one of at least 14 million such structures. And this is all in the relatively small portion of the universe we can see, the rest of which is hampered by the speed of light itself.
And we're talking about the God who created all of that. The one who I'm told hammered the dome of the sky from raw thought, and could tell where anything is, was, and will be just from looking at the atoms. How can you tell me, with a straight face, that the maker of all that is upset over Two Gay Guys? Especially when there are people in Africa shoving AKs into the hands of children who don't even know how to write their name yet?
Bill Pryor is a judge on the 11th Circuit and a former AG of Alabama who fully supported laws that put LGBT people in jail for having sex. Guess what name Trump has mentioned again and again as his first nominee to SCOTUS? Not to mention his slobbering over Putin, who has been waging war on LGBT people in Russia. Thanks for being a great ally Trump!
Make that three boiled eggs.
lower than scott baio's career?
IKR? They've gone full Mad Max mode. Starting to question my friend choices all the way back to high school.
Mind? Facts not in evidence.
Exactly. We wee gays+ in 40 years have moved mountains. Congrats bigots, you've mobilized us on one of the most intractable problems of our time. I see on my fb newsfeed formally apolitical twinks up-in-hairless-arms over this. They're gonna vote this November, no doubt about that, missy.
My boyfriend would say that I'm living proof of the mess gays are capable of.
With votes?
With votes. ALL our votes.
I'm trying to get this list straight, so maybe I can figure this out. Man commits a sin, God gets pissed and then he creates a disaster to teach us a lesson, right? So, gay men cause hurricanes. Lesbians bring earthquakes. Trans-people are, what ...drought? ...famine?
Well, we know he hasn't cared about milk and meat together for centuries, but adultery, divorce, murder and theft have dropped of the list too I guess. A divorced guy can have all of the straight sex he wants, rob a bank, kill a bunch of people, then sit down to a big plate of Veal Parmigiana and God doesn't send down so much as a painful hangnail.
This leads me to one of two conclusions. Either God is getting a little senile, or, maybe he's just a little too obsessed with the gays ... if you know what I mean. Maybe he's been in the closet a little too long. It would explain all that weird shit he went through to have a kid.
There are more queer Muslims than Muslim terrorists, Donald. I've seen Muslims at every vigil I've attended; every vigil across the country, all of them, have likely had Muslims in attendance. Where have you been, Donnie?
Don't you dare talk to us like we're your average low-information racist fuckwad Republican voters, asshole. We know who our people are. And if I have to pick between Donald Trump and Muslims, you can bet your ass that I will happily take the Muslims.
In case you missed it: Trump's supporters or campaign made a fake Phoenix LGBT org Twitter account to endorse him The actual LGBT community of Phoenix had to denounce him.
Christians use bombs and guns too. Planned Parenthood shooter, McVey, etc.
Maybe I'm just upset and sleep deprived, but whatever, shut up, here I go.
I've seen the size of the universe. I've seen how our sun is a very ordinary star in our galaxy, which is itself a very ordinary galaxy. Even the enormous cluster of galaxies we float in is just one of at least 14 million such structures. And this is all in the relatively small portion of the universe we can see, the rest of which is hampered by the speed of light itself.
And we're talking about the God who created all of that. The one who I'm told hammered the dome of the sky from raw thought, and could tell where anything is, was, and will be just from looking at the atoms. How can you tell me, with a straight face, that the maker of all that is upset over Two Gay Guys? Especially when there are people in Africa shoving AKs into the hands of children who don't even know how to write their name yet?
50% are scam artists and 100% of these "pastors" are bigots
They keep doing fake crap like this as though the interwebs are a mysterious place where things appear and no trace or relevance to reality exists.
Bill Pryor is a judge on the 11th Circuit and a former AG of Alabama who fully supported laws that put LGBT people in jail for having sex. Guess what name Trump has mentioned again and again as his first nominee to SCOTUS? Not to mention his slobbering over Putin, who has been waging war on LGBT people in Russia. Thanks for being a great ally Trump!