Let's Finish Our Week With Some Poll Porn About How Everybody Hates Trump!
Don't say we never write anything nice.
Bad news for the president, good news for America! Some new polling data from Politico and Morning Consult says Trump is just real fucked and everybody hates him and he should go away and never show his ugly scaly-ass face in public ever again. In other words, they are patriots.
First of all, MSNBC's Kyle Griffin flagged some key info on how Trump's approval ratings have gone to hell in preciselythe states he needs if he wants to have a prayer of stealing another election while still losing the popular vote. We don't want your PTSD to flare up, but if you remember election night in 2016, we would be living in a much different situation right now if Trump hadn't won Florida and Ohio, and then pulled out the unlikeliest of bare minimum victories ( *ahem* Russian meddling * ahem*) in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. ( *AHEM* also woulda been cool if Hillz had visited those states more.) ( *AHEM!*James Comey *AHEM!* )
Gee whiz, we think we have a frog in our throat.
Anyway, point is that in Florida, Trump's approval is down 24 points since election night 2016; down 20 points in Ohio; down 19 points in Michigan; down 18 points in Wisconsin; and down 17 points in Pennsylvania. It's almost like Americans don't like liars who are too incompetent to accomplish fuckall. And this is happening in a political climate where states like Arizona and Georgia may very well be fully in play in 2020, and Texas will be creeping ever closer to purple status, especially with all the new voters activated there in the 2018 midterms.
Of course, we must issue a very important caveat , which is that polls are not the same as election results, so don't get complacent, STOP YOUR FUCKING INTERNECINE FIGHTING, and get your asses and every other ass you can find to the polls, starting with the primaries. Trump (and Russia) are counting on Democrats to self-select themselves out of the process, because they're upset/mad/uninspired/whiny because their candidate did not win. (And to be clear, we are addressing this to THE WHOLE ROOM, so do not get in the comments and say "YEAH, lover of Candidate X! He's talking to you!")
OK, want more shitty polls? Because this week's full Politico/Morning Consult poll is also very shitty for Trump!
Approval ratings: 24 percent "strongly approve." Another 18 percent are like yeah sure, kinda, whatever. Meanwhile, fully 41 percent of Americans "strongly disapprove" of Trump (the full disapproval rating is 53 percent.) As in, the number of people who REALLY hate Donald Trump is about the same as the number who REALLY love him COMBINED with the ones whomight piss on him if he was on fire.
If the election were held today: Same story. 47 percent saydefinitely they will vote for a barely sentient rock over Trump, whereas only 28 percent say they will definitely vote for Trump. The probably-Trumpers account for another mere 10 percent. WEAK!
There were many other questions in the poll, but we don't care right now, except for one thing, which is that 81 FUCKING PERCENT of Americans want the full Mueller report released, so HEY BILL BARR! FUCKING GIVE IT! PUT DOWN YOUR BLACK REDACTING PEN AND FUCKING GIVE IT! WE SEE WHAT YOU ARE DOING OVER THERE, PROTECTING PRESIDENT "I AM NOT A CROOK"!
In summary and in conclusion, have a nice weekend, everybody hates Trump, fucking give it, and OPEN THREAD.
[ Politico / Morning Consult ]
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I live in nyc. Everyone hates him here. Some guy tried to insult me once by calling me a Trump supporter. Low!
But elsewhere... there are still a lot of trump signs up. So: do not believe polls ever ever again. Vote. Drag your friends and neighbors and hold your nose and vote for _____ if you have to. Enough with the internecine pouting! Vote. Like our lives depend on it. They do.
Think about it for a moment: the basic formula for re-elect is all of yours plus some crossovers or people who are content to stay home on the other side, replacing voters who have died or whatever. Are there Democrats who have changed their minds about Trump since 2016, or who are okay with him enough not to vote at all? And Trump hasn't done what most other first term Presidents try to do such as throw the opposition a bone or two.