I live in nyc. Everyone hates him here. Some guy tried to insult me once by calling me a Trump supporter. Low!

But elsewhere... there are still a lot of trump signs up. So: do not believe polls ever ever again. Vote. Drag your friends and neighbors and hold your nose and vote for _____ if you have to. Enough with the internecine pouting! Vote. Like our lives depend on it. They do.

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Think about it for a moment: the basic formula for re-elect is all of yours plus some crossovers or people who are content to stay home on the other side, replacing voters who have died or whatever. Are there Democrats who have changed their minds about Trump since 2016, or who are okay with him enough not to vote at all? And Trump hasn't done what most other first term Presidents try to do such as throw the opposition a bone or two.

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Trump (and Russia) are counting on Democrats to self-select themselves out of the process, because they're upset/mad/uninspired/whiny because their candidate did not win. (And to be clear, we are addressing this to THE WHOLE ROOM, so do not get in the comments and say "YEAH, lover of Candidate X! He's talking to you!")

This is why I love you, Evan.

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OMG TACO TRUCK INVASION AT THE EATON CENTRE https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Yeah, ''lover of Candidate Y'', ya big loser.(actually I'm #teamkamala, even got the wonkette t-shirt, but I'll vote for whoever can win).

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Trumps gonna win. McConnell has been packing the courts with right wingassholes.Even if we dismiss the rotting corpse of scalia, mcconnell has already replaced him with 2 walking dead rotting corpses both of which are far worse than scalia ever was.They will steal this election and the ignorant dimwits that lead the party of pussy assed sheep will go on the tee vee and say the republican scumbags shouldn't oughta be able to do it, three fucking times.They will never say "I got mine.Too bad for you assholes that ever believed there was any difference between the 2 parties. You're all a bunch of fucking suckers. The dimwits will never suggest a second amendment solution but the thug party goes on tee vee and radio and dumb ass podcasts every day of the week and openly advocates mass murder as a way to achieve their evil goals. The thugs are also smart enough to take over the country from the bottom up. Every dog catcher, every justice of the peace, every 'magistrate" every person in charge of elections in every Podunk back woods inbred hootin holler will be rwnj by 2024.Then we will save billions because elections will no longer be necessary.None of this will matter to me personally.Just this week I've been told by 3 doctors (not doctors of rhetoric) that I have 3 years tops to live.Bye bye loveBye bye sweet caress.Hello emptiness.I think I'm gonna die.I'll just spend my last $500 on oxy and fentanyl which I will buy on the street thanks to piece of shit shoomer ( you know that motherfucker lives on drugs that he gets free from the capitol pharmacy) I'll swallow them all at once along with an entire 1.75 liter of Jim Beam.Do my best jazz hands and shoutIT'S SHOWTIME.Maybe I'll be lucky and Jessica Lang will lead me off stage as all the life sustaining equipment is slowly turned off.I'll want the music from over the end credits of Dr. Strangelove playing all the while, along with the images of nuclear bombs going off.We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I'm sure we'll meet again, Just as soon as we all break on through to the other side.

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As should we all.

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He did throw paper towels to the people of Puerto Rico.All the while lying about how much help he was gonna send them.I guess he must have too.This week he said nobody has sent them as much money and help as he has.It must be true. A real president would never tell a lie about something anybody with the internet could disprove in 30 seconds.

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I was told there would be a truck on every corner

Every corner!

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You do know, however, that's how most Republicans justified voting for Trump.

They'd vote for anybody not D.

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I guess you could argue that, but the goal here is to vote Trump out. This is how we get it done.

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I, for one, do not care if the rock is sentient. I’m voting for it.

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I like rock

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Any Other Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral 2020

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For OT, I've been looking at futuristic architecture concepts for a fiction project that would feature one huge skyscraper as a center of city-state government. Started with a triangular or hexagonal building with a few adjoining spires, 1/2 to 1 mile high. Then I thought of something on the smaller side with an inverted pyramid design, which would look more like the Washington Monument upside down. Completely insane, so I suppose I have to go with it.

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Yep. I have been seeing new looking trump bumper stickers

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