I have a fantasy image of exploding wingtard heads when we go from a president named Hussein to a Veep named Castro.

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Hubba, hubba. Still a cool story though ;).

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woohoo! Congrats!

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Newsom? Nah.

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I would agree, but then, I'm a dirty commie anyway ;) : https://www.jacobinmag.com/...

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If there's something those Kennedys know how to do, it's gettin' busy.

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Those were different days. The Trudeaus: they were young, they were in love,...

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I heard her last night in an interview. She sounded so happy!

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Listen gang, Justin coulda been as yummy as a toad and we would still be happy to have him. It took us three damn elections to scrape his predecessor off our shoe, whose list of insults to the nation is fully as long as several arms, in eight point type yet. www.pressprogress.ca/101_sc...

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Well, and Spain, who actually financed our Revolution...

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49 years?

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Zut alors! Sacre bleu! Zoobie Zoobie Zu! Voulez Vous Humma Humma?!??!

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Pot-A-to - Pot-au-to.

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Plus - born on Christmas Day. Don't forget THAT.

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I had a terrible case of Trudeaumania for Justin's father, but he was a shit husband, 30 years older than she was, and he really didn't treat her very well. Also, as you mentioned, she was seriously mentally ill, and undiagnosed. He was an aloof intellectual. I love Margaret. She is a survivor. She was and is an incredibly beautiful woman.

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He was an aloof French Catholic intellectual - student of Jesuits, Benedictines, and Dominicans. She was an incredibly beautiful free spirit who became increasingly ill during their marriage. She and Justin are both survivors. I didn't vote for him, but I wish him well - and Maggie, too.

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