This is GREAT NEWS for Mike Huckleberry!!1!!11

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i lucked out . . . usually there's clouds wherever i am for any celestial event* . . . but it was nice and clear here.

wasn't all that impressive though . . . no dripping, no dragon eating the moon . . . meh.

* i get paid handsomely to stay away from the paths of solar eclipses though.

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Jeez, what a week. Scott Walker quits because he's too corrupt/boring to be a GOP candidate, and Boner quits because he cries a lot for no reason, but still isn't crazy enough to be a Republican leader.

And the next national election will be close.

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Good - lock the twunt up until she's no longer the county clerk. Problem solved. And Kimmie darling: neither Hucksterbee nor Teddy will be there when you get out, because when they're no longer running for anything, they won't give 0.1% of a shit about you. Welcome to the GOP.

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In and out of the clouds in Brooklyn, but we did get to see it. Neat sight, with the Verraz(z)ano Bridge in the foreground. And the world did not end, again.

Pic is not mine - somebody was in just the right place!

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He clashed with his own tie.

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R'lyeh is in the South Pacific, so Hawaii prolly gets the honors.

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I have no idea how this got here...

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No national election needed, #tcot can pick anyone to be the next Speaker, cause they read the Constitution.

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They are geniouses!!

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Oooooh, he makes me so angry!

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That's nothing. Just imagine how he reacted to the last episode of M*A*S*H.


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How fucking stupid can that commenter be? Dems have the ability to decide who the next speaker will be. If they voted en masse, for example, for mah main man Louie Gohmert, he just might be able to pull a coup. Suck on that, McCarthy!

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Word. Most of them think to this day that Dubya and Dick 'kept us safe' and that Obama bailed out Wall Street. I would not wager the family fortune (all $7.31) on them having any sort of epiphany before Nov 2016.

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