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OHJB has more class and moral courage in his pinkie toe than the entirety of the Republican congressional delegation could ever hope to have in several lifetimes.

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Yes, indeed!

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Jesus, her too?! Is there a P90x program for fappin' skillz? I'm going to need some serious stamina.

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I doubt seriously he delivered millions of families into the salivating jaws of hungry credit card companies. First of all, there aren't that many families that declare bankruptcy. In 2010, about 1.55 million people (people, not families) declared bankruptcy. In 2011, that was down to about 1.37 million. http://www.bcsalliance.com/...

Even if the new rules affected half of those individuals, and they ALL had families, you're talking 755000 at least affected. A far cry from 'millions'. Some would have gone into bankruptcy ANYWAY. For the others, most likely all it did was delay the inevitable. They'd have to amass more debt before qualifying for bankruptcy, but they'd get there eventually. And don't talk about bankruptcy as though it's some picnic. Your assets can be seized, your car can only have a certain value, certain debts (like your home mortgage and student loans) aren't dischargable through traditional bankruptcy. Bankruptcy isn't some money mulligan.

Definitely not worth damming him to hell.

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"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being up here."

Unfortunately there are all too many people who have no business being up there.

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I am guessin cause he is ol and handsome?

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We love you Joe!

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Oh no! Will all Joe's supporters now go over to Trump's side? He he he! Just goofin' on ya!

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Ted Cruz, you say ONE WORD about Biden now, and I'll come after you myself! (To Wonkette: With very harsh words, but NOT with votes!)

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And that would REALLY be sad.

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When I heard that my head spun around like Linda Blair. Suddenly became glad I can't vote for him, the adorable squish.

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She'll have to become Betty!

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Or sold a lame riding horse as sound.

EDIT: Link added to facilitate further research.http://www.buzzfeed.com/ros...

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