I don't want to seem argumentative, because I agree with a lot of what you say in regards to life in general. But as to someone like Beto, the difference here is "elected". People can look at his record, his history, and choose accordingly. We don't get to vote on Kavanaugh.

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Jason Lee is a devout Scientologist. He can get some SeaOrg enlisted men & women to do a flashmob.

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Not unless you have specifically asked them for that, in the course of "rough horseplay". But they don't like the asking, or consent, for that matter.

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I repeat my sentiment that Orrin Hatch should be horsewhipped, all the way back to Utah.

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Yet they want to regulate female body parts.


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I like horseplay as much as the next gal, that this ain’t that!

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Yes, everyone knows that you cover her mouth, so she can't scream for help, in "Rough horseplay".

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You guys know everything... So Starr refused to investigate rapes when he was running Baylor?

...wait, he actually helped the rapists?

...and Baylor paid him millions of dollars for doing so?

Nauseating... and not even a little bit surprising...

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always vote poop

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I get the creepy feeling that Kav's AOK with raping and/or assaulting a woman, thus inflicting pain, terror, humiliation and trauma on her. But asking her consent and then giving her sexual pleasure? Well, now, that's just NASTY! ;-/

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I'd love to see the cast of "My Name Is Earl" show up at the hearings armed with signs that say "KARMA'S A BITCH, KAV".

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NPR last week also too.

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These people are literally like the dude from memento fucking backwards. They suck so hard at having original ideas that they have a pathological need to replay their old successes, like washed-up sportsball players watching highlight reels.

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BTW - all this bullshit about "bitchez be lyin' for political gain"? Also projection. These assholes would do anything to torpedo democrats so naturally they imagine dems are exactly the same.

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