First Cineclub, Book 35mm, Verse boxoffice.

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I have to steal a line from Harry Shearer:

"He's a growing pain all his own."

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that's so sad. so blinded by faith.

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"When a person goes crazy, they say he 'went Ape shit.' They also say he 'went bananas.' Bananas is ape shit! Think about it!"

- St. George of Morningside Heights

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A little twerp. If only I'd never heard of him.

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I found out "Ouch" never works.

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Jesus has cool superpowers.

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Can't do nothin' without a good, sharp knife.

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+1 trip to Ikea

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Pretty soon, they'll get to drive! By themselves! Any day now!

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Let’s get one thing out of the way: Kirk Cameron is cute.

Er...it has been a while, hasn't it, Evan?

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Yeah. It's not often I want to reach for a defensive weapon while I'm reading things on the Interwebs. This week it happened twice.

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Moar extra props for Harry Shearer reference.

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Funny. Terrifying!

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Starting? I can't see starting in my rear view mirror right now.

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