Tipster 'NotThatDewey' has apparently landed himself on a heck of an email list, and now the down home, grassroots folks ofthe American Petroleum Institute would like him (and you!) to put together a one-minute video showing the positive wonderful and totally orgasmic benefits of fracking!
And God loves His children so much that he put natural gas inside rocks buried deep underground. Bless'd are the chemical compounds that frees His gas to light the way. Yea, His gas spews forth with great trembling. On Earth as it is in Heaven. O-man.
This raises an important philosophical question: "Where, exactly, is a fish's butt?"
I'm not sure "a manifold including the cloaca" is sufficiently descriptive.
This is so perverse that I think I love you.
Yeah, but Chich is a native Canadian speaker.
What's the prob.... oh, right. Copyright violation. Those YouTube guys are really dickish about it.
Get the Frack outta here!
Frank Off!
Frack You!
[Free titles. You're welcome!]
"People have lit their water long before fracking started", what was that about grammar?
Someone is fracking the page statistics: "6 COMMENTS NO VIEWS"
<a href="http:\/\/\/albums\/k551\/denniverse\/starbucknotasingle2.jpg" target="_blank">This.</a>
(Bring on the Battlestar Galactica jokes!)
No laurel?
And I thought water coming out of the gas line and the faucet on fire were just in Three Stooges films!
I am trying to line up Ron Jeremy for my fracking video.
And God loves His children so much that he put natural gas inside rocks buried deep underground. Bless&#039;d are the chemical compounds that frees His gas to light the way. Yea, His gas spews forth with great trembling. On Earth as it is in Heaven. O-man.