Scientology eyes the queer guys

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I consider Star Trek 2 Kirstie Alley to be a lifetime hotness ticket, so I would watch that.

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Thank you for making fun of Scientology. Far as I'm concerned, that is yet another reason to love you. I always wondered how anybody could even think of buying that religion once they knew it was invented on a bet by a science fiction writer -- a pretty second rate one at that. (I was the perfect nerdy SF fan. Of good SF like Arthur Clarke's, and Ursula le Guin's, and lately N.K. Jemisin's. Hubbard's stuff was not top drawer.)And yet some people, even talented, apparently nice people, do.Baffling.

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Say Yes to the Reg = $cientologists go shopping for enlightenment and an motley crew of perky salespeople "help" them find it. At all costs.

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Tom Cruise drank all the kool-aid, then came back and asked for more. Jeezuz, what a lunatic.

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Um, let me see if Scientology have signed me up before I answer.

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This is just too weird for my tired mind...........

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Don't tell me the channel won't have a political show with Greta van Susteren. They have to, because I really want to not watch that show.

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Knowing them, they might make it some shitty subscription service that all their followers will have to pay...

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Chick Corea should get a show. I would even watch.

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You forgot to include Battlefield Earth.

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Top Chef - RPF (Rehabilitation Project Force): Sea Org members whose ethics are "out" compete to create the best recipes for rice and beans.

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Scientology Home Shopping Network:

"Next up we have this little baby here - the entire collected 'works' of LRon for only all the money you have, will ever have, and then some payable by check, cash or M.O. sorry no C.O.D.s"

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$100 a pop for each episode they watch, probably.

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And for three days did he chase the laser pointer; and miraculously, he did catch it! Truly this is the Son of Ceiling Cat!

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is loosh involved, or is that something else?

mmmm. loooosh. [drool]

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