I think Cotton has played the I'm-as-bad-as-trump-without-being-trump hand as well as or better than anyone. Cotton really is smart.

Evil but smart.

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Hopefully those that cannot be vaccinated get a carve-out in this plan

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It's our Red State Problem. Democrats have to find a way to win there--either get a coalition of liberals and moderates turned out that outnumbers the conservatives, find a way to turn conservatives more liberal, or move more liberals into the state. Otherwise those are going to be consistent losses.

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Whoa! It looks like Stephen corrected it, but the correction needs to be corrected. It now reads:

"Ron DeSantis is a distant third with 13 percent. Former Vice President Mike Pence is second with 6.3 percent."

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You remember that annoying person who piped up in the middle of your presentation to say, "Line 2 doesn't add up."?

That was me. :-}

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I'm just sorry you have that governor.

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52 percent (a majority for those doing math at home) think a “fresh face" — someone who hasn't already lost to Biden even when they had the advantage of incumbency — might have a better shot.

TBF, I think for Trump incumbency is a disadvantage.

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Cotton and Hawley are the living embodiments of what is wrong with humanity - vile, venal, egomaniacal, cruel, self-serving, pieces of shit.

Also, Hawley and Trey Gowdy look an awful lot alike.

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the GQP = corporate criminals in white robes.

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This is the guy who will keep smoking out of the hole in his throat. Cigarettes were addictive. What is this tool's excuse?

Not until they get real consequences, like job loss, or restrictions on where they can go, not until it stops being a cool rebel pose and starts being hillbilly trashy, not until health insurance makes this financially painful, will they muster up the excuse they need to change. Or die off prematurely, as many smokers did.

I recall a report that showed at conference how hospitals had 'lost revenue' with the decline in smoking, and death of the tar-afflicted. Is this what is driving this ant-vaxx crap? Profits based on tax-payer funded programs to administer to the long-haul poors? Isn't that like for-profit prisons, jailing people for pot?

I don't like being cynical, but I can't figure out why they are so ride-or-die about not helping their citizens. We know these top GQPs have gotten the shot ....

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Good for her!

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Aren't a lot of Rs dying off from Covid?

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Missouri's junior senator, part-time seditionist, and full-time nazi Josh HawleyFTFY

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Was going to say the same thing, but thought to check if someone had already noted it.

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