I haven't heard from the corporate bigwig. I informed my direct manager that I would be working from home until I join the strike tomorrow. Vacation days were not discussed. He did not really respond all that much,I guess I still have my job :P I'm excited for the protest!

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Not mentioning a (d o g) in cat picture thread is probably wise.

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I didn't follow the details, was the boat going anyway or did she specifically charter the boat?

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that is true, and I suspect it is.

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And 63 million didn't. Most of them my generation, which I assume is the same as yours. Don't take the bad portion as being representative of the whole, or you'll never see good anywhere, man.

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The only way to save the planet is to eat the rich. ...with votes.

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This is my climate all-star, 7th grader. (OK yeah I was kinda disappointed this is the message my kid chose, but still, the lettering is pretty good for free hand, 7th grade eh?) The thing about their sign is that that song they are quoting was talking about global warming back in 1999 and while the "might as well swim" reflects the lack of urgency and slacker attitude of the time, it's taken us this long to get climate change discussed by candidates. Let's get our game on and be climate all-stars. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I mean through inaction. No matter how bad things are we have an obligation to do everything we can to minimize further damage as much as possible.

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So the one big plan of the mega rich is to throw lots of cash at space exploration to find a new planet, one that is almost habitable, a fixer upper of sorts. Their thinking is they might do a bit of terra forming, sure they wanna use nukes to try and whip these new places into "surviveable" planets for human habitation. Yeah ok, but hey how about instead of the billionaires being willing to sink triillions of dollars to jettison themselves and other 1 per centers into space while us po folk tread water and pray for gills, we do something novel, like start building habitats for humans right here on mother Earth. What better place to terra form, plant trees, build your space domes, but do it here so humans can actually have an iota of a chance to benefit from the money spent. We have to stop what we're doing and take fast action. Fuels in the ground, along with millions of new trees, no billowing industrial waste, not tRumps new old gas guzzlers on the highways, maybe gotta go Amish on it, it is that serious. Time to put our toys away.

Sorry tldr but I feel we need change so badly to survive. One word, Extinction, that is all.Shel

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I've been having a great time experimenting with waxed cloth and silicon lids.

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I went to the Philly rally. So many young people, especially middle school and younger, including black youth, which is good because too often it seems like the environmental movement appears lily white, but when you've got kids talking about health problems because they had to grow up next to a refinery, because that's the shit we do to poor black neighborhoods, it hits you.

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Okay, I can't help you with Giant Meteor, but how would you feel about Big Oil with A.G.W Climate as a running mate? Might take longer than the spectacular blowup we'd get from Giant Meteor, but gets there in the end!

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Albuquerque declared a climate emergency the other day.... Eclipsed by Trump's visit but nevertheless our mayor came out to affirm the city is going emissions free in six years. And my (former) girl scouts were not only at the climate strike, they slayed the crowd with their eloquence. I love you girls!! I'm having trouble uploading more images but there was also a ton of indigenous and Chicano/a representation. This is a terrible photo of a really amazing young woman who I've known from birth, and had the privilege of mentoring. She's fucking mad she's going to die because of greed. Going to see if I can find her speech online.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Being a denier is really getting to be ridiculous. Teenagers are shaming them by the millions worldwide.One, A, Singular 15 year old girl got all this going in one year and that includes the time it took to cross the ocean by herself on a sailboat.

The kids are alright!

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Another of my young friendshttps://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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