It's like something Grayson, or "The Onion," would write to mock the teabagger viewpoint.

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Yeah, I hate how the bank regulators intrude on people's lives. We should just let the free market do the regulating: if you don't like how your big bank gambled away your savings, you can always start over (at age 55), put your money in another big bank, and hope that their gambles pay off better. (The bank executives, of course, get paid millions regardless, because free markets.)

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But he's a Republican, so it's precisely the fact that he secretly enjoys it that makes him want to ban it for everyone else.

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To be fair, to a Republican of this caliber, a "scientific survey" is one sent to the people who are most likely to reply in the way he wants. decidedly NOT randomly. The Republican view of science involves a lot of manipulation.

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this is the guy that beat alan grayson?

god FL you so crazy.

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I kinda get a Ben Nelson being portrayed for SNL by Steve Martin vibe out of the photo. More of a Steve Martin in <em>The Jerk</em> vibe from his legislating.

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The nation's morons need representation, too . . . and Webster's doing a heckuva job.

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Heck -- it would be nice it were that much per person per year.

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Republicans have more outhouses per capita--at least in the South. He's just protecting his voters from embarassment.

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Instead of debating the Great Deluder he assumed his nature.

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"I don't always vote stupid - but when I do, I vote Republican."

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