Let's see if she can punch congressmen in their tea bags like Cecile Richards.

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Baltimore city health dept is losing a real fighter, just what pp needs. Good luck

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In his book Tricky Business, Dave Barry jokes about something similar. He takes it to an absurd extreme even. He's from Floriduh, so I guess it's ok. I found it funny.

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I kinda thought that maybe you could have meant Roy Moore, but I had to ask.

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Yah. The folks on Vancouver Island seem to be ok with an old coat. Just a few more weeks until winter.

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Lots and lots of reely poor people live there too. Lots of people live there period, you know, so let's not go nuts, because I remember massive coverage of Katrina too, including a big buildup in advance.

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Not the hero we deserve, but one we need RIGHT NOW.

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I wish I could give her a thousand upvotes. 👏

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Ah, good old Marlin Perkins. You will not be surprised to learn (if you didn't know) that he was gay. Jim was quite the hunk, apparently.

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Nice! You left America! I did to.

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I have a vintage, full-length raccoon fur coat and I love it! Try to hit me with your red paint here, PETA! Haw haw!

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Yes! They're rare. Thundersnow makes Jim Cantore's pants asplode.

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LOL! My meteorology teacher used to be a meteorologist for O'Hare airport. The extension the airport assigned to the weather department was 5050.

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New ones of non-rabid raccoons are illegal since the 1970s. About once a year a new employee at the storage facility hassles me about the coat. I have to explain that it is legal and was literally "Grandfathered in." Now that we have emigrated to the Great White North I might get it out and bring it up here.

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