Yesterday we introduced you to the honorable Justin Harris, a proud Republican member of the Arkansas House of Representatives, who kinda-sorta hid from the public the fact that he'd adopted two little girls out of foster care, tired of them after a year in his home, and given them to another family to raise.
Being from the same town, i was excited about the new daycare. My kids went a few months and i was pushed into having them evaluated for every kind of therapy and made to feel like i was a bad parent if i didn't do it. My kids (1 & 4 at the time) were kicked out of the preschool when i filed a complaint with dhs about my youngest coming home with blisters from not being changed out of soiled diapers. After saying things to the teacher and assistant. I do know the preschool now has a different staff and many families love the school. I remember the huge ordeal that was made when the girls were adopted how all his campaign posters n signs changed to include the girls and point out their adoption. Then shortly after his election they were having problems and just sorta disapeared from sight. Knowing now what happened to those little girls enrages me. How dare he and his wife do this. Those poor girls had already been shown how cruel this world can be. But to purposely bring them into their home promise them love, security, family and then just toss them out. That is a new level of evil. I personally think they have no right to have any of their children adopted or biological, if they can so easily discard one why not the other. Nor do i believe they should be allowed to work with or have any involvement with children period.
The act of rehoming his adoptive children to someone with questionable reliability is a sin. But then again, Harris the Godly one lives in sins and lies everyday running his so-called Christian Day Care/School. If you read the article I need not go into detail, it's all there. First thing to do with this guy is get him out of political office. Use conflict of interest as the reason because it sure is. Oh, here's a tip, watch out for the Godly ones!
He made it sound like a 3 and 6-year-old could consciously have plotted to get adopted and then act out. Seriously? Blaming two little girls who only have so far been disappointed by the adults who were supposed to be protecting them? What happened to the unconditional love children need to receive?
The picture posted on that govern ment web page shows a man up to 100 lbs. heavier than the recent video. He's just wearing suits he bought before a huge weight loss. Check the photo at the top of the web page link about 2 or 3 comments above the Simpsons video. Compare to the other photos of him.
OMG! The laundry list of AD "diagnostic" criteria describes about every HUMAN I know! (not gonna name names here...) So even if a child is well-behaved, [s]he is circling his or her prey? What parent doesn't feel used at one time or another (except for you, Dok,) until they remember that their children are only children (Harris needed to remember the "through the glass darkly" passage instead of the self serving one he quoted....)
I can't believe he had the gall to say someone else was evil after sending his daughters to a child rapist. What a sanctimonious shitbag.
Nate Bellis is a fool and should be run out of the state right behind Justin Harris
Being from the same town, i was excited about the new daycare. My kids went a few months and i was pushed into having them evaluated for every kind of therapy and made to feel like i was a bad parent if i didn't do it. My kids (1 & 4 at the time) were kicked out of the preschool when i filed a complaint with dhs about my youngest coming home with blisters from not being changed out of soiled diapers. After saying things to the teacher and assistant. I do know the preschool now has a different staff and many families love the school. I remember the huge ordeal that was made when the girls were adopted how all his campaign posters n signs changed to include the girls and point out their adoption. Then shortly after his election they were having problems and just sorta disapeared from sight. Knowing now what happened to those little girls enrages me. How dare he and his wife do this. Those poor girls had already been shown how cruel this world can be. But to purposely bring them into their home promise them love, security, family and then just toss them out. That is a new level of evil. I personally think they have no right to have any of their children adopted or biological, if they can so easily discard one why not the other. Nor do i believe they should be allowed to work with or have any involvement with children period.
new state slogan for us in kansas: "better than arkansas!"
The act of rehoming his adoptive children to someone with questionable reliability is a sin. But then again, Harris the Godly one lives in sins and lies everyday running his so-called Christian Day Care/School. If you read the article I need not go into detail, it's all there. First thing to do with this guy is get him out of political office. Use conflict of interest as the reason because it sure is. Oh, here's a tip, watch out for the Godly ones!
He made it sound like a 3 and 6-year-old could consciously have plotted to get adopted and then act out. Seriously? Blaming two little girls who only have so far been disappointed by the adults who were supposed to be protecting them? What happened to the unconditional love children need to receive?
The picture posted on that govern ment web page shows a man up to 100 lbs. heavier than the recent video. He's just wearing suits he bought before a huge weight loss. Check the photo at the top of the web page link about 2 or 3 comments above the Simpsons video. Compare to the other photos of him.
I think the Bachmanns fostered the extra kiddos.
I suggest we delauter Nate Bell.
The more I read, the more I think AD therapy was used.
"Rehoming" sure is a civilized way to say "dumping".
Christians are still debating if it was a legitamite rape or not.
OMG! The laundry list of AD "diagnostic" criteria describes about every HUMAN I know! (not gonna name names here...) So even if a child is well-behaved, [s]he is circling his or her prey? What parent doesn't feel used at one time or another (except for you, Dok,) until they remember that their children are only children (Harris needed to remember the "through the glass darkly" passage instead of the self serving one he quoted....)
(Trixie told me that Dok teaches parenting classes, that's why I mention him...)
I think it has more to do with whether or not he's getting money from the state for them.