Reload. Yew fergot reload.

How you spect we stay <strike>compititave</strike> <strike>comppetatave</strike> combatative (nailed it) in our new Firearms Based Economy without RELOADIN?!

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Actually, some of them still can.

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Others have alluded to this, but I just want to reinforce that Utah was a Territory until 1896. So this mandatory education thing in 1890 was probably part of the stuff they had to do (like allegedly outlawing polygamy) in order to get statehood.

Aside from the possible profit motive (since he's associated with a for-profit educational scam), this is basically a call to go back to the good old theocracy. (They have some different dogwhistles in mormonland).

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I do not want to live in a country full, OK - <em>more</em> full, of blithering idiots.

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...wow, so using the Bible as a textbook doesn't make their constituents dumb enough?!

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...and in other news the state of Utah has closed all of its hospitals and instead will open <strong>FAITH HEALING</strong> clinics! As a side note: as a compromise with democrats, women will be able to "pray away" their pregnancies as an alternative to abortions!

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No school and no child care. This should free up a huge coal mine workforce.

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I always suspected that republicans recruited from the uneducated.

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Helen Keller?

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Betting that America's future is in peasant farming.

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Supply chain management. Yeah!

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