You know what? On this one, you were right. On everything else, you're being a tiresome tool. I'll have a word with intern Dominic about your point.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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"enriching the democratic process"Whether you like it or not, a third party candidate will NEVER win. All they do is draw votes away from the two main candidates. It IS a wasted vote. And you obvious deep seated hatred of HRC makes it impossible to reason with you.

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Ranting about snowflakes or whoever sugarplums are, weirdos and anyone who does not think Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person who ever ran for the presidency. Ranting at unicorns (the only Bernie supporters in for profit media were the vanishingly few Bernie-or-busters). Telling anyone criticizing Clinton that they are are exploiting white privilege (including women, poc and black women in FL). Saying that criticizing Clinton elects Trump's success...All this is what we know doesn't work, after a year of pounding that message at David Brock's and other liberal blogs, and it won't work now, either, any better than when Barney Frank blamed the voters for 2014.

I know why pundits are still doing it, to blame shift away from the problem that Hillary Clinton lost PA, Wi and MI because of voters who voted twice for Obama voting for Trump or not at all.

Jill Stein (whose voters said they wouldn't have voted for any but her) and Gary Johnson (who saved Clinton a state or two) are nothing compared to the Obama voters Clinton lost, but Rachel Maddow and CNN have been claiming they would have voted for Hillary Clinton, and they're the ones to blame. It's not the problem and the lost Obama voters say so. This is like their claims that Bernie Sanders is worse for people of color and women, it's just misleading spin.

Why ignore President Obama's support for TPP, with Clinton's long time support guaranteeing that voters didn't believe her (or Democratic elites, after passing Nafta and favored nation status for China, couldn't come up with better than "unintended consequences", promises of retraining that doesn't create jobs and even that the jobs are already gone, so TPP won't kill as many)? It's not fair to blame only the Democrats who got Nafta and favored nation status over the line, but Trump knew he could blame them while lying that he's not just another neoliberal, Wall Street, movement conservative.

Bernie voters were Clinton's strongest demo which you ignore. The people you are ranting about, who think Clinton is a 9 and Trump a 10 on the evil scale, the too-pure-to-vote-Clinton, the Bern-it-all down-ers, the Molotov cocktail throwers,and the kill the witch people? These are a negligibly tiny few progressives (however loud on the internet) and Republicans.

At least first blame the neoliberals and neocons in the Democratic party who abandoned the working class, with the help of our consolidated, corporate media, who saw the chance to make $$ off the Clinton campaign's Pied Piper strategy and then who saw a chance to make a little more $$ off the horse race, when they though Clinton had the election in the bag. At least blame the people with the power, communications power and $$ first.

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You are a DISGUSTING person dredging up that tawdry crap. Yeah, the Johnson votes would have gone to Trump. How can you dispute that? Clinton was better organized? She couldn't even get people out to vote. 5 million fewer Democrats voted in 2016 than in 2012. She couldn't even hold the Obama voters. Fewer women, fewer Latinos, fewer blacks. Yeah, she didn't hold rallies because NO ONE WOULD COME TO THEM. And she doesn't like to deal with the little people. The woman hasn't driven a freaking car for 25 years. Even her advisers wrote in the emails about how out of touch she was. She lost because she was a terrible candidate: elitist, corrupt, dishonest, untrustworthy, no ideolgy, policies all determined by committee. And this was a year for the anti-establishment, populist candidate: Trump and Bernie. And if you think your feeble little opposition research on Bernie is anything that wouldn't be laughed off the stage by any voter in America, then I have a bridge I can sell you. Bernie Sanders won every swing state she lost. He would have beat Trump. End of story, moron.

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Yeah, because unlike you Hillbots, we liked Bernie for his policies. He was never a messiah. His slogan was "Not Me, Us." Wheres her slogan was "I'm With Her," like some sort of mean girl clique in high school. And when Bernie endorsed Hillary, we understood why he did it and moved on to Jill. End of story. It is YOU Hillbots who are responsible for Trump not us. We warned you.

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End of story, my ass! He told you to vote for HRC and you ignored him. You are nothing but a bunch of spoiled brats who didn't get your way! Fuck you all the way to hell!

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Hey, I'm just telling you what they would have brought up. There's him praising the Ortegas and Castros, him being a part of a party that praised the Iranian Revolution during the hostage crisis, and much more.

The thing is, we can't prove how effective those lines of attack would be as Sanders didn't get the nomination. But I truly believe that the moment Sanders hit the general he would have been destroyed. I agree with his issues as well. But it would not have been about the issues. Trump did not run on the issues. He ran pandering to the white supremacist crowd.

And well, economic inequality doesn't cause the racist shit that's been coming up.

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yeah, it's doesn't "gell" because that's not a fucking word.

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I told you guys not to be too optimistic about the Cubans.

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See, that's what's so weird! Outside the "death penalty" stuff, the voting went "fine" here in California, with many of the propositions and candidates I supported passing. It's like, "they" want Trump...but also Tammy Duckworth? And other intellegent women we've elected to the senate? (And sorry, our countery decided to needlessly burden you, ladies . but y'all are going to end up pressed into service very, very quickly, so I hope you're prepared for some work.)

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See, I don't know why people keep blaming this on racism and bigotry. It's pretty obviously just a righteous struggle for economic parity against the elites! Why do "they" keep bringing up the social issue "distractions" (rolleyes)

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Note to the country: I just ran out of bubble gum! (You'll catch it on the way home.)

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Oh silly! This whole election was about people drinking a 2-liter bottle of Spite! It refuels them for grueling Petty Grudge Campaign.

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Well not many can live up to the lofty standards of Jill Stein...like Jill Stien for instance


Incidentally, Jill Stein achieved NONE of her stated goals (even getting the political version of a "D-") so it was worth the gamble for the heady euphoria of "success."

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At least weed is going to be legal.

Hillary lost this race and she had all the help in the world from the DNC machine. But she lost it by a slim margin. She has to apologize for not being a strong enough candidate to draw in more votes. ~56% of registered voters turned out nation wide. Calif was even worse and she won here. But states that used the "Cross Check" system all went to Trump.

Blame these fuckers in Ohio who suppressed the vote and bragged about it. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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On the flip side, rolling coal is easier now that there's no EPA getting in the way.

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