Really foul, actually.

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While tearing apart the country with the Clinton impeachment trials.

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Blackadder reference = automatic like!

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What alleged Karl Rove twink parties? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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No, seriously! I recall talk in 2005, during the Jeff Gannon/Jim Guckert foofaraw, about how he was a procurer for Rove, who'd throw after-hours twink parties in the WH.

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I'll bet Diddlin' Denny can still get a pizza or a cake at any good Christian store.

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Toaster strudel, ja?!!

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Even now? Notwithstanding? After all?

Back when we were kids we were never allowed to see the cellar whenever we visited our Grandma who lived "out in the country" in rural Michigan. It wasn't until were were well into adulthood that our mother confirmed what we had long suspected -- we were kept out of the cellar so that we wouldn't see Grandpa's still.

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...that you wouldn't touch or even come near for anything under six figures.

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You're a cat. You never keep your lunch down. The carpet is over there.

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Wow, that's one hell of a library fine!

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My lunch, I keep down - it's the bugs and lizards as snacks that are the problem...

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Splooge on a blue dress. The Village was mesmerized by it.

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A peccadillo is when you playfully kiss an armadillo. With tongue.

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Jebus forgives them. Some harm, no foul.

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OK, you people. I just had lunch and you post that photo of that face associated with the word "sex" and then further mention the possibility of Boner doing some boning, which, frankly, seems unlikely since there doesn't seem to be enough Cialis in the world to defeat that level of whiskey dick...Anyway, there goes lunch...

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