Precisely.He started with the advantage of being the incumbent President, which is always a significant one. He added the considerably less fair advantage of voter suppression, all he could manage (or all that the GOP and various Republican state governors could manage for him). Voting machines and drop boxes were removed from strongly Dem areas. Trump claimed loudly, in advance, that his opponents were cheating and there would be massive voter fraud. He said in so many words that the only way the Dems could win was by cheating. His fanatical base ate it up with a short spoon and turned out in droves to vote for him, and in some cases to intimidate the other side's voters.He still lost. Decisively.

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Any NYU alumns out there? Maria Bartiromo is on their Board of Trustees, you might want to inquire why they let a sycophantic talking head who encourages treason have a say in the future of the university.

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Yes, Minnie has her sartorial standards, I suppose.

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Trump, like an adulterous Minnie Mouse, is fucking goofy.Agreed! Awesome!

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No, you're correct. At one time I believe she was respected. Way back in the before times.

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My favorite citation, from WaPo, is that Dump is wandering White House halls muttering "'I won, I won, I won' like Mad King George" hahaha. "The Madness of King George" was a delightful film, BTW: its star, Sir Nigel Hawthorne was also a delightful flirt IRL :)) Stay safe, everybody!

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This is an excellent idea!

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Brilliant, SER!!!

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I think the next reporter should have asked the exact same question, in the exact same words.Then the next reporter.Then the reporter after that.Then the reporter after that.What was Trumpy gonna do? Cry? Scream? Have a rage stroke? Run out of the room like a little bitch?

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"Trump isn't "playing 10-dimensional chess"

The red hats always say things like that, as though chess is some big mystery that literally nobody understands.They hate smart people 99% of the time, but let Trump do some stupid shit in front of the world, and they'll suddenly do a 180 and insist it's just a ploy and said stupid shit "really" proves how smart he is.

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"On Thanksgiving Day, President Sore Loser sat at a kiddie table desk in the White House"

Every single member of whatever staff Trump still has left saw that ridiculous fucking Fisher Price desk and thought the same thing all of us thought -- that it makes Trump look even more idiotic than usual.Not one of them tried to talk him out of it.Did they just figure, "Ehh, fuck it, what does it matter this late in the game; it's just not worth the aggravation"... or were there a few smirks hidden behind a few hands as they passive aggressively said, "Sure, go ahead... Sir."?

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Imagine how big a mudhole Biden would have stomped in Trump if the election had ACTUALLY been conducted fairly.

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Mickey is a mouse.Donald is a duck.Goofy is a dog.What the hell is Pluto?

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"Time. And it doesn't matter how smart you are, or how rich you are, you do not get more time than anyone else. The great, common denominator."

A few years back, a co-worker of mine got called in for a meeting with his then 12 year old son's teacher.After a few questions, Co-worker was able to ascertain that although Son was not cutting class, not rude, not disruptive, and was completing the assignments and learning the material satisfactorily, the teacher "just didn't like his attitude".Co-worker went home and told Son to dial back the 'tude.Son's response was, "You always told me to stand up for what I believe in. Now you're telling me to just go along, even though I haven't done anything?"Co-worker gave it a moment's thought, and then said, "No. I'm telling you that *you have only a finite amount of time and energy in this life*, and you need to pick your battles."

Those words struck me as very wise then, and have resonated with me many, many times throughout the intervening 20-odd (sometimes VERY odd) years.

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