A hate-filled, peckerwood, dysfunctional shithole is never alone.

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for grave-diggers...like cops

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What? Issa isn't good enough for you?

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The newspaper thought it was in bad taste?

I was afraid they were apologetic because the gun show ad might not have been as effective as intended, what with that news story distracting from it and all.

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Some shitholes are sticky and humid, and some are dry and full of sand.

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"If they're not Scottish, they're crap!"

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Hey, if Randy Quaid gets $368-billion, then I also, too, want billions of muneez.

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Give the man some credit. At least he did not put $99 on the check he paid $100 for. In Florida, that level of numerical understanding is known as academic excellence.

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She thinks a racial slur is falsely accusing someone of being nonwhite.

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Duh, of course he asked that.And then Mr. Watts explained that he was actually a Nigerian prince, who, due to a temporary inconvenience, was unable to cash checks at the moment, but he needed some cash right now.

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1. "a .357-caliber Magnum Colt Python" Who knew the classic British comedy troupe had infiltrated Florida? This explains many things.

2. https://pbs.twimg.com/media...

3. Watch out Florida, Oregon is on your heels: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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I'm pretty much over Alan Grayson as a political stunt.

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Our Vicar is from Florida. People wondered why he would want to emigrate to Britain. @_FloridaMan explains that

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My Nan used to say 'Darkie'. As in "She's a nice girl, she's a darkie, but she's a nice girl." She was born in 1902.

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Gollywog. Not making that up either.

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The original name of Credence Clearwater Revival.

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