They lurve the sportsball down there in alassippi. If that tommy tutone fella wins the runoff, the roll tide people will stay home, one hopes.

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Thank you for the Cal Cunningham money! Love, Thom Thillis haters.

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He-Man's vaguely metrosexual alter ego could kick Trump's ass without breaking a sweat.

Prince Something-or-other. I don't know. All I know about Masters of the Universe, I learned from Robot Chicken and the Dolph Lundgren movie.

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Now, now. Tops would be a lonely race, a lonely race indeed, if not for bottoms.

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Poll came out today from Civiqs: Cunningham 50%, Thillis: 41% https://civiqs.com/document...

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Several 10s of thousands probably as he beat the tide 4 straight years at one point. And jones is an alabama grad so...

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I was only kinda serious....but now I'm half considering that control of the Senate may very well come down to whether a few thousand otherwise Republican Crimson Tide fanatics can bring themselves to vote for the Auburn coach. Jones needs to start working a few 'Roll Tides' into his stump speech, if he hasn't already.

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Throw some love to either Nancy Goroff or Perry Gershon in NY-01 (we still need to have a primary).

We need to throw Mercerite suck-up Lee Zeldin on the trash heap of history.

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I haven't voted in 10 years because the voting system is totally wrecked. I was an activist for clean elections and publicly funded elections for 10 years before that. I did my best and just couldn't stand to be abused any more. Dems KNOW how messed up the system and rarely address it.

I am not in favor of DemoRats OR Rethugs. As long as money is the only decider, we are screwed.

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Go fuck yourself. Being a non-voter, you have exactly ZERO right to complain about ANYTHING. Oh, and you are NOT a Democrat. You are NOTHING.

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Now get the fuck out of here replying to me after two months.

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Your scumbag democrats are leaving a fine mess! Enjoy the socialism they are setting forth for you! This is all your side knows to do! Destroy and blame the other guy for the mess! I bet your proud of your party huh??!

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It's tough to win in Alabama. We barely won against a pedophile.

My own state of South Carolina is the same way. Trump is terrible, but people here still love him. We've got a nice Democrat running against Lindsey Graham, but I'd be willing to bet my last dollar that Graham will win.

I know a handyman who has multiple health problems, and the only way he was able to get insurance was because of Obamacare, Trump's trying to get rid of his healthcare for him, and guess who he's going to vote for?

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Because you wrote this I’m going to donate.

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I hoping I'll remember a few months from now, when the races are really heating up, to send all these key Dems some $$$ for their campaigns.

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LOOOOL Jeffy, the Masters of the Universe were the good guys.


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