Fucking hell. I’m a big fan of free edumacation, as you’d expect. I went to uni for free- I even got a (minuscule) grant. I was one of the first years to get a student loan and the penultimate year to get a completely free education. I still graduated with debt- but it only took 5 years to pay off, and the latter three i was a teecha, earning an adequate salary. And tbh, a fair amount of that borrowed money had been frittered away on hair cuts, peach schnapps, jazz cigarettes and nights on the town with unsuitable men. Which is as it should be.

I’ve seen kids I teach turn down uni when they had the brains to go and to thrive because the debt was too much. And the costs in the UK are much less mad than in the USA.

we all benefit from an educated populace. And we all lose when people are crushed by debt.

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Anybody who got homes bigger than schools, yachts (plural), and a Cabinet job she wasn't even remotely qualified for has no fucking business lecturing anybody about "gift giving".

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what good is having an educated populace going to do once the republicans bring back all of those great coal mining and factory jobs they promised us? why would we need somebody who knows how to program a robot when all the cars are going to be built by hand by skilled craftsmen getting paid $40 an hour?

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Steal Betsy's boats.

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I know someone who had their student loan forgiven, and they had to pay taxes on the amount that was forgiven. I never hear anyone mention this when they talk about canceling student loan debt. I think it's pretty important. What about people who couldn't afford to pay that tax? Would they get in trouble with the IRS?

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Would you feel slighted if people had their loans forgivin while others paid them off?It wouldn't seem fair but also a tool for the rich to bludgeon the poor with. There has to be a fair way.

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Devos is against gov paying for the 1st 2 years, because that is where the highest borrowing numbers occur. Less than a quarter for the last 2 years of college. So big loss for banks.

Maybe more will go to a community college or vocational school if it is paid for.Then, maybe more will graduate at the university level.

Jobs in agriculture have only slightly increased since WW II. With a 150% increase in population.Jobs in manufacturing have been decreasing since the 1970s.I think we have no choice but to push education/skills/training of the next generations.

As it is now, we all pay for the tax cuts of the rich. It is borrowed money. When only rich people pay the costs of their tax cuts, I will consider who pays what, and who benefits what, from the government. Till then, not gonna think about it.

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The fucking bears are thrilled with the smorgasbord. Like this putz.

Oops. I added a sunset in error. Hopefully the bear is there too https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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"...a widening class battle between private landowners – oftentimes newcomers with little knowledge of the region’s history or law – and the general public expecting to use public lands."

via the Guardian:Class war in the American west: the rich landowners blocking access to public lands

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Thank the gods for the Guardian - covering AGAIN what you can't get coverage of in the States since the white male C-levels running the MSM networks & outlets are all on the side of those robber baron landowners

Thanks for that heads-up

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Cruella DeVos, I actually hate this person with a white hot passion. I rarely express hatred toward anyone but I make an exception in her case. She deserves every bit of criticism she gets.

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I couldn't believe the number. Is it one for every day of the month?

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I learned it from my wife. Maybe it's more common among (((New York Jews))).

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Tax deductions for those who paid their student loans off?

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We don't have kids, and we gladly pay school taxes, because I like educated young people. Living in an area that is regarded to have good schools also increases the value of our house.

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Reminds me of an old "Mad Magazine" bit about people it's hard to feel sorry for. One panel had a fat rich women crying on TV about her jewels being stolen. The skinny old woman watching her on TV while eating from a cat food can didn't look at all sympathetic.

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