Thanx King!

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I think that the number of Supreme Court Justices has varied over the history of America, and it all depends on Congressional votes to "up" or lower that number. That is why it is so imperative that we throw the Republican party OUT of our system of government. (I'm not a fan of one-party rule, but it's gotten ridiculous with the GOP in charge of all branches!)

With a Democratic Congress, we could actually increase the number of Justices, and appoint sensible, sane American Judges to that Court. It's just a thought.

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It's really 12%. And another roughly 8% of those Bernie primary voters went for Stein or Johnson, wrote in a candidate, or stayed home. Dumbest, most self-absorbed people in America ... and that's in an America with avid Trump supporters.


We would do well to consider that not every Bernie supporter had any progressive ideals at all; some of them simply liked seeing themselves as society's biggest victims and therefore were suckers for Bernie's "you deserve more!" rhetoric. Basically people who think the government can help them more than it will hurt them, and in all other regards would be standard Republican shitheels. I call them the Jeremy Christian wing:


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Is it really 12% of Bernie Voters that voted for Comrade Dumpsterfuck? Holy fucking dumbasses, Batman.

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Sarandon is an elitest asshole. If the Republicans fuck the Poor, the Sick and the Elderley, they're fucked... period. She basically touts that she's wealthy enough to ride-it-out... but the twat doesn't seem to give a shit about the rest of us.

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Then I got a little older and I started wondering how I know I'd be one of the good guys -- an awful lot of German citizens doubtless assumed they were good people too until they found themselves serving Hitler, can't rule out the possibility for myself.

When I took a Film Theory class years ago, one of the films we saw and discussed was Leni Riefenstahl's 1935 propaganda film Triumph Of the Will. My generation had seen years of movies set in WWII and we all wanted to think that we wouldn't have bought into what the Nazis were selling. But that was the kind of bias that we always have to be wary of about history: those looking back after the fact know what happened next. They know how it all turned out.

The best we can do from now till November is whatever we can do to see to it that we have at least a voice in the legislative branch. But we all need to be prepared for the uncertainty.

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The French are very clevair, no?

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I did - trouble with that I think was that it tried too hard to be faithful to the book so much so that all the life was drained out of the program. It didn't help they had nowhere near the money that Lynch had and while this is a human drama the Special effects matter. Still I was happy they got the stillsuits right. That really bugged me - you'd be dead of sunstroke in an hour with the things Lynch used. Argg I have to stop.

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Every fucking not-Republican voter who didn't vote in November 2016 => FUCK YOU

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I used to love waking up in the morning. I no longer love it.

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It's a fucking revolution all right, a right wing wet dream revolution going on. Susan Sarandon needs to STFU.

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Or more likely the revolution will never come. If Trump being a bad president manages to keep him from being elected to a second term, the only viable option will still be a Democrat, and we will probably be talking about a corporate or establishment Democratic. Things will certainly change for the better with him out of there, but not anywhere near enough to make four years of him in office worth it. Beyond that, his nominee to the Supreme court has already caused some massive damage that will not be easily undone.

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Excellent point, and also even if Trump being horrible managed to somehow get a progressive elected in 2020, what about the supreme court? Trump's nominees to the supreme court, or even lower courts could cause massive damage decades after Trump leaves the White House. We're already seeing that in a couple of the cases where Neil Gorsuch cast the deciding vote. Beyond that, what happens if we get their idea of the ideal progressive in there, say Bernie Sanders, or even less likely by far a third party socialist like Jill Stein, and they have to deal with an incredibly conservative supreme court with no vacancies, that keeps ruling that there progressive polices are unconstitutional, even when they clearly are not? Most of the time, we're not going to be able to easily undo the horrible decisions made by Judges appointed by Trump.

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Exactly. This is an abusive relationship. It is at least somewhat heartening to see this being noted in other places besides my own comment history.

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Could they possibly be worse people? At least Republicans are typically forthright about their utter indifference to the fates of people around them. The BernieBro types are every bit as deficient in empathy but they preen about their deep deep principles. Fuck 'em, fuck 'em hard.

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