Take that "heal our country and move forward" and cram it sideways up your well-worn ass, Lindsey. You and your kind left this country a smoldering wreck, in many cases literally. I'd like to move forward with hearings, prosecutions and jail time.

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Freakin' LUXEMBOURG told him to fuck off

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I guess we now know why the Pentagon stopped briefing Biden. They were afraid someone would reveal the upcoming assault on the Capitol and that the Pentagon was doing fuck all to stop it.

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Some disgusting segments of "Left-wing" opinion (the nasty fringe of Berniebros whom Bernie himself disowned) have actually come out as pro-coup because "we don't want to defend US capitalist democracy, and we like uprisings, those economically anxious MAGAts will be proud socialists once we convince them that Medicare for All is in their best interests"

This graffiti will only encourage them.

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Baa d friends.

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The army brass hate Trump, though. He called them "losers and suckers" and has degraded their ability to do anything. Why would they go to war for him?

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My issue with Graham is his cowardice. Apparently he and John McCain were best buddies. I believe Graham was there at the end. After McCain's vote on ACA, Trump went after him hard. One would think Graham would defend his friend. The old saying is " A Friend won't kick you when you are down. They will stand there and watch." Donald Trump and Lindsey Graham do not have one speck of honor.

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Wait, you mean that isn't what it's all about?

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Or you can use LSD man.

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Putin isn't interested once he's no longer useful to him and Trump broadcasting his lies to his followers from Moscow would likely be too much even for the dead enders.

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Weak Sad Poop indeed

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I just read this on HuffPo:

Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming said she supports impeaching President Donald Trump over his role inciting a mob of his supporters to attack the U.S. Capitol.

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Headline reads "Never a greater betrayal by a Prez." Apparently she forgot about faulty intel to drag us into a war with Iraq.

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If anyone is familiar with malignant narcissistic personality disorder, they will know that iTrump is afflicted with this disorder and he will never ever take responsibility for his actions and misdeeds... The media should stop broadcasting any and all of his thoughts, speech, words and actions... There is nothing relevant of important that benefits intelligent Americans from anything he has to say or do....

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There must be at least one Smart Car available. That’s limo enough for him.

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Even nine days of this ... object ... in the Oval Office and still in possession of the nuclear codes as he grows steadily more desperate and rancorous is too much.

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