Um, by "spook" you mean "spy", right?

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How many racist cop reveals will it take for right wingers to admit we still have a race problem in a) our police forces and b) America.Sadly, it's probably AOT,K

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Yes, but my wife hates violence and loves going out, so sometimes you've got to suck it up and watch Annie.

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I don't think AOT,K is enough. It might have to be ∞,K.

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So they preferred IQ's between 75-102?

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What the hell was that weird walrus thing early on in the video?

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Well, these are clearly lone wolves.

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Racism and group-think - a killing combination! I guess the police unions won't step into these sort of embarrassing revelations; only when there are embarrassing deaths and what not.

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Who knew a beat cop could have such mad skillz at video production?

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Grew up with these kinds of police. You did NOT call them when you needed help.

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Yeah, what WAS that???

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Yes, I have run across this. Someone posts something that is obviously racist, I say it's racist, and then they say I think it's racist because of how I'm viewing it. It's all me, not them.

Yeah, riiiiiight.

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It's a prank bro, its' just a prank bro


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Well, see, the officers come from the "upper class" while the enlisted people come from the lower classes. That's how the less intelligent manage to run things - their class puts them on top, even if they are dumb as rocks.

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That's not that high of an IQ either! That's smart enough to know they are smarter than lots of folks, but not Mensa smart.

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"...three of the officers suggested that the video was a regrettable attempt at humor,..."

This is what the white-power elite say when caught with a Bad Idea, as in the letter to Iran. As if they would know a joke if they saw one.

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