It’s just Wisconsin from what I hear on the podcasts. It all comes down to them.

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Was gonna say the Stacey Abrams thing.

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Yes! More than the bare minimum.

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Now, now… don't we want to encourage repentance and (eventual) truth-telling?

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Yeah, there was this one from '67 to '75…

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There's a simple mistake, and then there's President Fuck the Truth.

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I saw that, but I’d like some choices. Any others you could recommend? Preferably ones that don’t start out their spiel asking for my phone number and email address.

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I remember when Kansas had moderate Republicans like Nancy Kassebaum. and a Democrat Governor and unfairly maligned HHS Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius. Then along came the Brownback lunatic wing.

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The cedar cheese is passable, though.

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Funny you say that. I was gonna make a long joke about Beto’s support, and how if he took Biden’s, Sander’s, Harris’ and Warren’s support he would have more support than Trump. But that would have required math. It’s 5:30am here. No math. So like Beto I’ll just say fuck.

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The trifecta of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania will guarantee a victory. And given how shit show he's been and only winning those states by narrow margins, those can be winners. Hit those, keep NV and CO in the mountain west, and maybe MAYBE pick up Arizona. Further east, an Iowa would help, but I'm not bullish on Ohio anymore. Finish with NH, Va, and NC with a maybe to Florida and Trump will be effectively repudiated.

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This became radically apparent when in Alabama, there were people saying they would rather there was a pedophile in the Senate than let a Democrat in. I honestly don't know where you go from there. I got nothing. What next? "I don't care that Mr Leatherface has put people on meat hooks and eaten them after grisly chainsaw murders and wears their faces as a mask, that's better than a Democrat"

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And they demand the sacred rite of "No takesies-backsies" be invoked.

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Despite DJT, one says it, we suppose one means what one says, even in the post-truth age.

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Read a book about the ocean?

I am this close to scoffing, but perhaps you can recommend a good one?

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#1 to support: Donna Rose, senate, Montana. No age requirement for senate!Only need 3 more

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