Coming of age? Bullshit. The Red Badge of Courage was a coming of age story. Levi's book is nothing more that self-absorbed wankery and fame whoring.

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For those who need the title explained, I offer these verbatim quotes from the Urban Dictionary:

<i>Deer: An attractive young male in his early 20s and the main food source of a cougar.</i>

<i>Headlights: breasts, boobs, tits.</i>

I hope this clarifies things.

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Yes...but alas, it is as likely and winning the lottery. Still, I keep playing.

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Are you saying he has a <strike>penis</strike> face made for audio?

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I'm thinking it should be a choose-your-own-adventure book.

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You may be thinking of "laying pipe"

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<i>...he wrote the book “for me, for my boy Tripp and for the country.”</i>

Pretty much why I write wonkette comments. At least he (and I) don't do it for money.

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Trumpette thinks he's talking in code about affirmative action racial preferences. And that is <i>exactly</i> what the Obama haters will hear. The hideous part of his smear is that Trump had the enormous advantage of wealthy parents. And I can only imagine the government subsidies he drew on for his projects. Especially -- it must be said -- the government protections of bankruptcy.

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It's coming out in book form? What, Cocopuffs wouldn't serialize it on the back of their boxes?

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One assumes this is the Whole Package, collected in one place -- like Wonkette.

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What is about cable installer that you don't understand?

(I was going to use "milkman", but given our young hipster demographic, I doubt many would get it)

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That "supreme intellect" stuff is why the Repug and the Trig-lovin' 23% hated their guts; although you or I might "want a beer" w/ someone who could actually converse, the Noisy Minority wants a good ol' boy who could choke on a pretzel.

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<i>Levi Johnston is about to add another accomplishment to his resume: literary sensation.</i>

It was either that or put on a chicken head and hand out coupons.

Palins are gonna carry on like a shark attack at a Sunday school.

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Spoiler Alert: No, he did not.

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Off topic, but now <a href="http:\/\/www.politico.com\/news\/stories\/0411\/53694.html" target="_blank">Donald Trump is just cold being a dick</a>.

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The high point of Levi's life was appearing at the GOP convention with a new suit of clothes. No marriage, no reality tv show, no music career, and a book that will be remaindered almost upon being published.

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