Anarchy. Badly organized, dirt-poor, subsistence-living anarchy.

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Journalists rely heavily on sources who speak off the record. Any journalist who fails to observe the rules won't get anything, from anybody, ever again, which rather takes the fun out of the job. When your boss finds out that you're now useless, it may even take the job out of the job. Not to mention that "burning the source" may have <a href="http:\/\/%29http:\/\/ajr.org\/article.asp\?id=1553" target="_blank">legal consequences</a>.

Much as you'd like to see an exception made for sources who are lying douchebags, the consensus is that the rule works best if it's absolute, because you never know when your lying douchebag of a source might turn out to be an honest (just this one time) douchebag.

That said, what the fuck Goldbrick accomplished with an off-the-record retraction is beyond me ... the redacted bio speaks for itself. Hard to believe he's too dimiwitted to put out an honest-but-disingenuous "I was unable to verify that I had been nominated."

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<i>"T.R. worship is nonetheless fraught with peril for conservatives."</i>

Nonetheless? That contradicts his preceding statements. Oh well, I'm no Pulitzer prize giver out ... nonetheless.

Anyway, there isn't a single past Republican president the current GO Pee'ers would nominate today. Except Dubya Bush. Romney want to be Dubya's third term. Repubicans love Bush and his balls so much they want to find a couple boulders to add to Mount Rushmore.

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With his target audience, putting "Lucianne's little boy" on his book cover would probably garner more sales.

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You mean like Ole Newt is the great thinker in the modern Republican Party?

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The right wing nutz are convinced "statist" is a bad thing because Off-the-Mark Levin told them so.

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This reminds me of that doctor who kept telling Sheer uh "Am i uh An Idiot?" uh InSannity that poor Terri Schiavo was really alive and well.

He claimed to have been nominated for a Nobel prize in medicine, until it turned out that was a lie. Then InSannity claimed he'd never made a big deal out of it.

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