Don't have to? They're owned by a corporation and will go out of their way to fight for the interests of the 1%. They may not 'have to' but they will, every time.

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An organization that doesn't want to be taxed.

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As we look at the history of our Afghanistan Debacle, we should certainly pay attention to not only how we got into it but also how we what we did resulted in the creation of the Taliban.

I highly recommend Devil's Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam (a publication in the excellent American Empire Project) by Robert Dreyfuss.

I'm open to suggested sources for more information.

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"Cut and Run" Ronnie!

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True dat. But Haley has been at the opportunist game longer, since her earliest days in South Carolina politics.

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That "strength" was purchased with a complete surrender and removal of US troops.

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Naw. It was removed from the top of the building. When I lived there (2011-2013) it was on a flagpole by the street in front of the building directly behind a statue of a confederate soldier.

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She only identifies as a minority when she believes she can exploit that somehow. Otherwise she identifies as white.

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Does anyone else see parallels between Ghani and what Fulgencio Batista did in Cuba? Batista just loaded up a plane with his friends, family, and $300 million belonging to the Cuban people, and flew right out of there on New Year’s Eve, immediately turning Cuba over to Castro and his merry band of insurgents. Also worth noting that the US had been propping up Batista’s corrupt government for years prior.

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She wants to be the first female commander-in-chief. Will the RW vote for her in overwhelming numbers?

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DeathSentence couldn't empty a bedpan if the instructions were on the bottom.

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Well, since they couldn't find the BBC, they went for their second choice.

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"but Hillary had an email server, and did a Benghazi, also too, in addition" in 5..4..3..2..1...

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Truly the portrait of The Mustache of Understanding.

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LIberal media my ass.

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No, but not because she's female. Because she's (ick!) brown.

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