who is Erick Erickson and why does he spell his name wrong?

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It was one of those words I learned in geology and didn't know how to pronounce.

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Mae'n Gymraeg.

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Especially because it's not even a word.

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It would be especially confusing to the Welsh.

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If it walks like a goat, well then...

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Looks like Goat.

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Smells like Nazi.

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Lenny The Bruce LIBELZZZ!!!11!!1

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How DARE she wear a publickly unmerikan Porto Ricko shirt and then have the indecency not to get shot nor even tasered by that amazing swiftly acting to protect her safety blue lives matter officer of the peace from herself being brown with a permit for a birthday! Think of the children if it was a children's birthday! I hope she gets charged with formal uncivillity and learns her lesson not to encourage drunk belligerent white men to come and accost her no more and get blamed for it. The End.

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He could do the capitalistic thing and stop paying them.

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Social Media: the world's largest locker room.

Trump and Kellyanne said so.

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I'm afraid I'm going to have to go all Occam's Razor on you. Kavanaugh famously wrote a magazine article in which he said that a sitting president couldn't be indicted. QED

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"I told you so" - dead-Martin Luther King Jr.

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There is no religion that enables these types of beliefs. Therefore these are 'personal opinions'.

Levine knows this.

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Erick son-of-Erick is a cunt.

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