That's where I show up with a rescue craft, and call out through a bullhorn, "What's it worth to you?"

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Something, err, "challenging"

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Sounds like a gated community, with a really shitty commute.

No mention of the fact that they'll be entirely reliant on normal humans for all of their food and supplies? And where do you find a billionaire libertardian willing to mow the lawn and take out the garbage? Nowhere, of course, so they'll have a Mess-o'-Messicans on board as well - easy enough, with no immigration laws, but with no minimum wage laws either, it could get unpleasant (for the Messicans.)

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Where have I seen <a href="http:\/\/www.amazon.com\/House-Scorpion-Nancy-Farmer\/dp\/0689852231" target="_blank">that scenario</a> before?

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Just for the record, let me note that virtual watching leaves something to be desired.

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"They ALL start out with some rich prick cutting corners and end with everybody dead."

Sounds like pretty much every James Bond film, actually.

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In Libertardistan, of course, the amublance driver arrives with a credit card scanner.

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What with the tons of gold they'll lug along with them, the whole thing is bound to sink like the proverbial stone.

Perhaps, in the building of the thing, the richies will finally (accidentally) end up creating some jobs for once, so I'm all in favor of the exercise.

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"A Republican with <u>money, health insurance, and</u> the intellect of a 12 year old."


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With my home floating on this thing, I'd certainly prefer tighter building codes.

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"no minimum wage and few restrictions on weapons" . . . Slave wars!

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I was thinking of something more, I don't know, "explosive," but OK.

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the fuck.


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