Oh fer heaven's sake, go Galt already, pleez? Irrelevant? That's the worst fate that can befall you as a result of living a civilized life? Using public infrastructure that other people's taxes paid to develop (like that internet you are using right now!) while screaming about tax being theft in bold, red, flashing letters isn't "irrelevant", it's dishonest, pure and simple.

You libertarians want to enjoy the fruits of other people's labor, yet you do not want to pay for it in your turn. You want to have internet and other telecommunications, expect your lights to turn on when you flip the switch, want to drive down pot-hole free roads, want sewage treatment plants so that you aren't standing knee deep in your own and everyone else's shit, want clean water to drink and safe food to eat, your doctor to have the knowledge to treat your illness, blood available if you should have an accident, police to arrest the asshole who stole your tablet, and someone to make certain he pays for his crime, fire fighters to put out that wildfire heading toward your house, planes which don't collide with each other in mid-air, plus the many other benefits of living in a civilized society - yet you would destroy it all because you read a book in your extended adolescence that told you that money and the love of it is the be-all and end-all of existence, selfishness is the highest virtue in this world, and that caring about your fellow human beings is evil. And it appealed to you so much that you confused fiction with fact and are sure that you will somehow magically be on the top of the heap when all the "looters" and "moochers" get what they deserve in Galtopia.

Got news for you, pal: we would never have been able to form societies and create capitalism in the first place had personal selfishness uber alles been the guiding principle of human evolution. But if cooperation and altruism (gasp! - the worstest ideas ever!) disgust you, and paying taxes is something that you view as anathema, no one is forcing you to stay.

That hot objectivist paradise known as Somalia is yours for the taking - no government to speak of, though it does have a bit of a warlord problem, though that shouldn't be a problem for the True Capitalist Believer - so you and your fellow objectivists have a golden (*snerk*) opportunity awaiting you. By all means, show us mere mortals How It's Done. They already have their own pirate fleet. It should be a piece of cake for all of you ubermensch to tax yourselves voluntarily fund the modern infrastructure you deserve and its construction, as well as producing something of value for you to trade for food and raw materials, plus a military to protect it all (damn those takers!) in no time flat. There you can prove to us all how ruthless, laissez-faire capitalism with no regulation to speak of will produce the greatest society the world has ever seen, with no repercussions from everyone living only for themselves and behaving as if their fellow human beings are nothing but tools to be used. Can't wait!

P.S. Oh, btw, it might interest you to know that Ms. Jaundiced herself ended up on the side of the Looters. Rather than stoically lay down and die from the lung cancer she caused herself by smoking 3 packs of cigarettes a day (as she demanded of everyone else afflicted with a deadly disease they couldn't pay to treat), she took the Social Security and Medicare she was entitled to, prolonging her life at the taxpayers' expense. What a parasite!

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Regardless of the crude medium in which it has been portrayed, this is the message of the future. The message of our future, of a bright future, where the threat of force as a means to an end no longer exists, and the protection and pursuit of one's own individual liberty is the supreme law of the land. Keep denigrating and mocking this message as so many before you have done, your time, and the time of those of your ilk is nearing an end.

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Michael Jackson?

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I see you had the same reaction as me, before me.

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Anything but a Trilby.

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A simply devious plan, GOP. Send in a MOAR crazy candidate and make Trump look as bland as Scott Walker.

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Well, ya know, it couldn't hoit!

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LOL, speaking of the Illuminati, that is PRECISELY the political platform that the late Robert Anton Wilson would have supported.

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+100. Thank you, I need to remember that.....

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Um, one of my daughters is a librarian, and very pretty... and NOT libertarian.

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Gravity attacks everything that hangs about into old age. Never look directly at old men's pants.

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Yeah. But the WA Rebs still took the time to kick Ol' Cheetos in the shin.

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Demon sheep or GTFO

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pro tip, if you're trying to "reach the youth" maybe don't make a video that looks exactly like a ministry or front 242 video from 1989

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Possible murderer. Really. You know there was no evidence ever presented and the all charges were dropped. And you are going to accuse him of being a rapist as well, again, with no evidence.

I'm not disagreeing that he is insane, just that you should be ashamed of making such baseless claims. Oh, and do your research, there is NO such thing as a running mate in the Libertarian party primary process.

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