Liberty Counsel Dude Mat Staver Wants You To Stop Heating Your Home With Dead Babies
But they're organic!
Well! It looks as though Marjorie Taylor Greene isn’t the only one trying to make the fetal remains organ harvesting nonsense come back into style (we would prefer gum, but OK).
The Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, surely by pure coincidence, is also trying to bring it back into the national spotlight. Last week, he announced Liberty Counsel will once again ask the Supreme Court to take up the case of Sandra Merritt, one of the weirdos who published deceptively edited videos to make it look like Planned Parenthood was getting rich by illegally selling fetal remains.
And if you thought that was going to be the weirdest part of that announcement,you would be very wrong.
Via Mat Staver:
The Jezebel spirit is alive and well in America. The altars to the demon Baal/Beelzebub are protected by government officials who will persecute any who attempt to stop the bloodshed of innocent children sacrificed under Jezebel’s watchful eyes.
So glad to hear that Jezebel (our once-upon-a-time sister site) is doing well after having been bought by Paste!
That being said, I’m not sure how Ba’al — another name for Hadad, a deity who was like Zeus but for Canaanites, and also a general prefix for many other Levantine deities — got to be a demon in Christianity, but that seems rude. I’m not gonna go and start a religion and call one of the demons in my religion Jesus. “Mat Staver,” though, I would consider.
In fact, let’s let the demon Mat Staver continue!
Tomorrow, Liberty Counsel will file our reply to the U.S. Supreme Court requesting the Court take up the case of pro-life hero Sandra Merritt — the brave grandmother whose undercover journalism forced America to admit that not much has changed since Jezebel’s time.
Then, as now, the bodies of innocent children are used to heat our houses (as with the D.C. clinic) and fuel our medicine.
Good lord these people have so many made up things!
There was, indeed, some weird lady who testified, with literally zero evidence, that an abortion clinic in Washington, DC, was throwing fetuses in medical waste bins and then burning them for fuel.
Now, medical waste has been used as a cheap fuel source for decades — though it’s not very good for the environment — but there’s only one incident in the US of fetal remains maybe being involved in this and it was when a county in Oregon got some boxes of medical waste from British Columbia that may have had some fetal remains in them.
The altars are different now than in Jezebel’s day. Sacrifices once held in public now take place behind the closed doors of abortion clinics. Then, as now, the government protects the altars where the killing takes place.
Soldiers who once guarded Baal’s and Molech’s priestesses have been replaced with law enforcement officers standing guard to ensure the endless line of children being led to the slaughter continues uninterrupted.
Okay, just to be clear, we’re not the ones who think fetal remains are magic or somehow different from other forms of medical waste. If medical waste were a sustainable source of fuel that did not potentially release toxic substances into the air, I would be all for it, so long as people consented to having their fetus/leg/tumor used for this purpose.
We’re also not the ones bringing religion into this. We don’t have altars, and if law enforcement officers are standing guard outside of clinics, it’s to protect those inside from being murdered by one of the life-loving anti-abortion nuts on the outside.
They do have a tendency to do that, you know.
Women of the time sacrificed their children to Baal in hopes the demon would grant them bright futures, increased wealth, and lasting youth … not much different than the modern women who abort their children in exchange for careers, finances, and a future unburdened by the duties of motherhood.
I am concerned that Mat Staver thinks human sacrifice actually “works.” Like, yes, human sacrifices did happen in ancient times, but they didn’t produce “bright futures, increased wealth or lasting youth.” (Although if we wanna be real precise about things, Baal, again, is usually associated with the Levantine deity Hadad, who was the god of storms and fertility.) Modern women are not “sacrificing their children,” because this is not a religious thing for anyone but people like Mat Staver.
Instead of being passed through fire before being murdered, babies are now murdered first, then delivered to city incinerators to provide heat for American homes (as we saw in Baltimore recently) — but not before being butchered alive, their tiny organs dissected as they squirm to escape. That way, they garner higher prices on the human organ trafficking market.
Ok, so literally none of this happens, and it did not happen in Baltimore. I don’t think the thing about babies being passed through fire before being murdered happened in the past, either. Just logistically, a baby is not going to survive being passed through a fire to be murdered. You put the baby in the fire, that baby is dead!
Sandra’s undercover journalism revealed that Planned Parenthood executives and doctors knowingly altered abortion procedures to obtain intact body parts that eventually were sold by organ procurement companies for huge profits. One person testified under oath that the beating heart that arrived in the lab had to have come from a baby who was born ALIVE!
You know, I do not like what Mat Staver is doing to my Google search history here — but yeah, there’s no way that happened, because while a human heart can beat when removed from the human body, it can only do so for three to five minutes, so a heart is not going to be beating all the way to a lab. Hearts can be restarted — that’s how organ transplants happen — but they don’t just keep beating forever and ever and ever. Unless, you kill a man, dismember him and then bury his body under your floorboards. Then … who can really say?
Also, no, they weren’t sold for “huge profits.” The costs associated with organ procurement have to do with shipping and other administrative costs. For instance, if someone does need a heart transplant, that needs to get to the transplantee fast, often by helicopter or something. The actual heart itself won’t cost money, because that’s illegal, but the whole operation will set you back about $1.4 million.
It’s not that we know they weren’t sold for “huge profit” based on vibes, or because it is our religion. We know it because we understand how tissue donation works and we know the court ordered Sandra Merritt and her co-conspirators to pay Planned Parenthood $2 million for damages for the little scheme that involved them making this claim. Even the Supreme Court — which just overturned Roe a couple years ago — won’t look at her case, because it is that ridiculous.
This is all a religion for these people. They don’t need proof if they have faith, and that is why nothing can convince them that they are wrong. They assume everyone else is like them and that no one else could possibly do anything for a non-religious reason, and that, friends, is where shit gets real weird.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I must get back to ensuring a bountiful harvest this year. Anyone got a light? (Also, OPEN THREAD.)
Okay, I'm getting the fuck out of here before I say something I regret even more that what I've already said.
FOR THE FUCKING RECORD: Contrary to what people are assuming based on the fact that I loathe Susan Collins more than I dislike Joe Biden, I oppose not only genocide, but even just murder in small groups. Saying that Biden is better than Susan Collins is not the same thing as having a raging hardon for killing Arabs. US Presidents have a history of giving Israel EVERY FUCKING THING. Look it the fuck up. Biden is giving Israel WAY TOO MUCH, but the fact that he has said no out loud and in public is such a huge fucking departure from how US foreign policy toward the region has been handled in the past that to half-imply that any Republican or even any other Democrat that has a snowball's chance in hell of getting 271 electoral votes would be as good or better than Biden is entirely belied by this history of US presidential administrations' actions. Yes, including Obama's.
Now I'm gone. Have a nice fucking night, everyone.
April's schedule for Movie Night: