I feel you my brotha! (stacks hands to create lebbels)

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In addition to 22 being double 22, it is because he's the 44th president.

In Soviet Russia, jokes explain YOU!


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I do get sadistic glee, however, in the PUMAs who are always going on about how much better Hillary Clinton would have been as President being confronted with the fact that she's a warmongerer too.

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Beat me to it! I keep waiting for a post on divisions in France to trot out Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres.

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The Sea Peoples?

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Depends on the mushrooms, nawhatimsayin?

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Carla and Michelle running together side-by-side on the beach...

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Plus he's on double secret probation.

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Hah! It depends on the type of cheese. When I were a lad, we were on welfare for a while...and not this wimpy welfare where you can go to the store and buy what you want. No! We got boxes of food that no one wanted to eat...including this weird government cheese.

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No matter what Obama does, he's double screwed.

Instead of a Catch-22, they should call it a Catch-44.

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Wouldn't it be funny if Obama just said "Fuck this shit" and decided not to run for a second term?

Ha! First!

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Well, what do you expect? He's morally weak, after all.

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