jesus fucking christ on a runaway midwestern democratic legislator.

you now owe us a spacepac.

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Again? I hate it when that happens.

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As a former Hell-Mart associate, let me just say they also want out of the Unemployment Comp laws; just spent two months fighting the bastards before UC decided they were lying scum.

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Master-Blaster runs Tripoli-Town!

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Wal-Mart sells PLENTY of book-like objects, including NASCAR picture books and Beck novels; the picture books are better written.

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“Wal-Mart's shift from its traditional core customer manifested itself in numerous ways. A foray into organic foods didn't catch on with discount shoppers. A push to sell trendy fashions like skinny jeans bombed.”

<p> <a href="http:\/\/www.peopleofwalmart.com\/\?p=14490" target="_blank">I think I know the problem.</a> </p>

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I know some BP executives that should be force fed some aborted dolphin fetus although it might already be on their menu.

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Can you imagine those shoppers in "skinny jeans"? I clicked the link and when I inadvertantly hovered over an ad on the right, a popup shot out and covered the offending part of the picture. It's the only time I was grateful for a popup.

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