Youth killed over a property crime. Cops hi-five and the blue wall of silence descends. Good thing he was running away from the cops and not towards them. Hard to imagine what they would have done then.

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...first they came for the Darkies and I said nothing...next they came for the Cuban Messican...

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...yeah, they get violent when you get between them and the fridge!

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...errr, you obviously never had a run in with Dade or Broward cops!

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Miami and Miami Beach are the up side of sea level rise.

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Florida is the Afghanistan of America.

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<strong><em>And I'm still trying to figure out how you tase someone in the chest when they're running away, but I don't have magic powers like 'splainers apparently do.</em></strong>;

<strong>...the same way blak people get 3 warning shots in the back!</strong> lol

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...nah LIZ, you <strong>LIB</strong>!!! He was armed with a much more dangerous weapon!!! <strong>A stale chicken Mcnugget</strong>!!! Stand your ground MutherF$kkers!!!!

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...LoL, I can recommend a couple of bars or you can crash at my crib(BYOB)

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...Very true, <strong>BUT</strong> most Tea-tards can't tell the difference between a Puerto-Rican and a Mexican! Not that it matters because, anyone who speaks the Espanol is obviously a migrant worker! <strong>RIGHT?!?!?</strong>

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Skittles is the new spray paint, or skateboard, or...

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1. Vandalism is bad, but not punishable by summary execution.

2. Vandalism of an "abandoned McDonalds" sounds like a contradiction of terms.

3. The maximum range of a Police Taser (wires, y'all) is 35 feet. If we consider that the average able-bodied human can certainly reach 5 m/s over short distances, this gives the cop about 2 seconds to draw, aim and fire. Unless, of course, he was already aiming.

This whole story stinks. Also, Tasers should be referred to as "Occasionally lethal".

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