Double feature12 Seats Over There in Front of 12 Angry Men.

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We have a winner !!!

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It was awesome.

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How about a reality TV show where a black family gets to live in Ferguson, Missouri?

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... I wonder who wrote that line for Dennis (rhymes with dumass) Miller? I'm pretty sure he was only ever funny when reciting something an actual humourist wrote.

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... best Tattoo Lampshade wins a prize.

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And you know the dolts at The "History" Channel are kicking themselves that they didn't think of it first.

'Cause the most important history is that which involves Nazis (also extraterrestrials and Jesus).

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"Hun for a Day," where contestants compete to see how many skulls of their enemies they can stack up in a single afternoon, then it's off to the bear-baiting pit for a fun-filled evening of family entertainment with the kids.

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You know who ELSE produced Nazi reality shows?

At this point, I think it's safe to set our television sets on fire. Pro-Tip: Someone might check into the producer's genealogy.

Over and out: http://www.streetartnews.ne...

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Theme song: Bohemian Captivity

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The wasteland is really nice this time of year.

No, really. My wife and I went to north-east Arizona recently. Vermillion Cliffs and Antelope Canyon are kind of magical, even when it's raining like it did.

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I dunno, the Duggars got them beat I think.

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"Texas State Lege"

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Really big families.

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