I thought it was a moronic attempt to establish Pence's heterosexual bonafides.

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The title could be "RepubliQue". Don't worry about money, just a mention in the credits will suffice.

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"Coincidence" means "things happening together." There may or may not be an obvious causal connection.

However, "Coincidence" does not mean "Random." In the Before Times, I liked to go to baseball games. When at the game, I tended to run across other people who like to go to baseball games. And we would talk about baseball. We hadn't known each other before, so we hadn't planned to go to the same ballgame on the same day, sit in the same section and strike up a conversation.

It was a "Coincidence." But not very mysterious.

Just as, when something bad happens, loonies will gather together to make up elaborate and highly unlikely explanations for why it all fits into their pet paranoid theory. That's a "Coincidence" too, and also not at all shocking or mysterious.

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Until this moment, sir, I think I had not really gauged the cruelty or recklessness of your people. Let us not make the grieving families more distressed. You have done your worst. Have you no sense of decency? To paraphrase a great lawyer.

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You make your own coincidences.

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Stanley Lieber libels.

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Beyond anything else, this is just a horrible thing for these people to do to that kid's family.

That was my first thought. What sick fucks. I cannot imagine the loss of a child, let alone the sick meanderings of conspiracy theorists making it even more horrific.

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Well, ya know, "taxes" or something.

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In bad movies big crimes are committed to cover up smaller crimes, and done in such a Rube Goldberg fashion that every piece of the conspiracy must fall into place at just the right time for it to even work, or it all falls apart.

Actually, that describes a lot of good movies as well.

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I buy poor people’s luck for five cents on the dollar, then repackage it in gold leaf and sell it to rich people. Only the good luck, though. I let them keep the bad luck for lottery tickets and arrests.

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The idea that "there are no coincidences" explains a lot of the brain rot on the right and their propensity to believe every insane conspiracy theory they come across. We need to institute a class of some sort across America's schools that looks at things like Occam's razor, causation vs. correlation, critical thinking skills, and media literacy.

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I mean, if there weren't coincidences ever, then at least fate would be easier to identify. "Oh, I ran into you *again*? Clearly, we are meant to be together forever!"

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I'm gonna go ahead and write the headline for tomorrow"protestors armed with AR-15s show up at georgia governors mansion demanding to put kemp's daughter on trial for treason"

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Wow! Is that Mencken's razor?

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And before my brain settled on Lawyers Guns Money it asked "Little Green Men"? "Last Glacial Maximum"?

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