Yep. John Kelly and his for profit little corporation.

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Blindly following a facist. Yeah. If the brown shirt fits.

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Can 45 do this by executive order? I don't know enough about executive order power to know but if he can, he probably will.

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Indeed. I think anyone who claims "it could never happen here" is delusional.

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Not even vaguely. Basic cognitive dissonance in your beginning with 'this is who he is' and concluding 'in a few years his schtick will be something else entirely.' Miss Lindseybelle never possessed this viciousness nor this cornered-rat behavior until she was threatened with Kompromat even worse than the pee tapes; my theory is more than one form of sex abuse with underaged boys, and possibly a few other things.

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I could watch Queen Latifah reading the dictionary, and who didn't have a thing for Overton?

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Much like the idea of "tolerance," that philosophy only works as long as both sides play by the rules. If, over and extended period of time, one side continually breaks the rules while the other follows them, the cheating side wins.

So while we're unquestionably better human beings than they are, they're running everything. Where does that leave the world?

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His soul was interred along with McCain.

(BTW, did you know that one of the hosts of The View is his daughter? I wonder why it’s never come up?)

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Woah! Is that true?

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I feel like it would be cheaper and less soul destroying to take the millions the government is offering for baby jails and just rent out an apartment complex, stock the rooms with a few weeks worth of food and hire some people, including some of said families living there(at a living wage) to do the various services they might need and still make a decent profit for myself. But I guess the cruelty is the point, isn’t it?

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Lindsey Graham is a good little Nazi. He'll swear he's doing the right thing while he's pushing the bodies into mass graves.

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Dicksplatch is a new one, but sounds quite appropriate.

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Good lord these people really hate immigrants.

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I LOVED Living Single when I was growing up!

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OMG, I just found out what happened to John Henton. JEBUS.

I hope he's made enough in residuals to enjoy life and take it easy and not have to work. Wow.

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