All of 'em, Katie.

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Beer and babes. He's an AmeriCAN.

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How many of those were women, though?

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Come out, you nasty, old queen. Do you really want daddy Vlad to do it for ya????

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They have the same thing on him that they have on all top Repub politicians: the lust for power and right-wing federal judges.

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He could be neuter.

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It's always a joy to see Dame Lindsey Graham perform, but seeing him struggle is bittersweet. Poor Dame Lindsey Graham. So pretty, so fragile.

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That is super cool.

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Yes, they are.But not to the degree that's the case for uneducated goobers in states like Montana and the Dakotas and Idaho who carried the 'Pubes over the finish line in holding onto the Senate. About the only thing you have to do to get their vote is claim that the Democratic opponent will take all their gunz! Because being uneducated AND ignorant, they don't realize that their gun-fetish rights are not in jeopardy. And they can't understand the difference between common-sense things like "limiting 30-round clips" and pointing out that deer hunters don't need rapid-fire military weapons and government agencies searching for and destroying every gun in private hands will never be a thing.* (Unless Republicans gain permanent control of the country and decide that a bunch of armed lunatics actually is not in their best interest).

* You know, like the idjits who lost their fucking "minds" over Jade Helm 22 being a U.S. government takeover of Texas. Trump can send tens of thousands of U.S. military personnel to enforce civil law, however, and they don't blink a goddamn eye -- and even cheer it on.

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Well, we'll always have TMZ catching Miss Lindsey at an airport, and him having to deny being gay! I will cherish that memory for the rest of my life.

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Not a woman, but if I were I'd imagine there's not enough furniture, or alcohol or bags full of cash, in the world that would entice me to let Trump grab my pussy

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Yes, and I repeatedly told the "never-Hillarys" and Bernie-bots who wanted to remain pure as the driven snow that voting for Trump, or even not voting, would: Guarantee the near-total erosion, or elimination, of abortion and reproduction-choice rights.*<imitates belushi=""> But NOOOO!

* And also produce a corporate-rights -- "job-creator" fellating -- majority that would fuck them and their kids on every economic issue for the rest of their lives. Or at least a generation.But if they couldn't be bothered by the so-personal issues, they surely were incapable of wrapping their minds about equally and possibly more important ones like the clean air and minority rights and preventing Happy Chem. Inc. from dumping toxic waste in their town's water supply, or offshore drilling, or eleventy billion other things.

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"Graham said Republicans have to "address the suburban women problem, because it's real," but he has no real solution."

"Yes, women are a problem! And how dare you uppity women not let us old white guys micromanage your uterus for you. We know what's best for you women because our GOP Jesus told us so!" Graham added.


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How 'bout that?

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I am a 70-year old, college educated white woman, living in Arizona for the past 25 years. I've always voted in every election, including primaries & midterms. I've never voted for a Republican and never will. If they don't respect a woman's right to control her own body, they don't deserve any woman's vote and I don't understand how any woman doesn't see that.

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