And I so wanted to see the lovely new fainting couches he would have installed in the Oval Office.

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Holy Ham Biscuits! His tasteful manners might be superficial but they were the only ones in the clown car. I suspect Aunt Lindsey wants to spend Christmas on the cocktail circuit, regaling his ladies with stories of the past few months. I hope he doesn't forget to take his fan, he'll need to cool himself when he talks about Trump. Sort of like Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail as told by Margaret Mitchell (you're welcome for that book idea, Senator). Do you suppose he didn't want to stick around to see himself lose even the South Carolina primary?

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Heh heh, "Lindsey Graham is Out." Heh

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Actually could be his Achilles heel.

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i just wish to dog he hadn't announced at the last debate that he regretted manscaping. What? He said it out loud: "I miss bush!!"

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... which only makes any sense if Trumpy DOESN'T take IA in a landslide.

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I read on the internet that iCarly's like a Ken doll down there. Smooth as the bonnet of a Porsche.

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"When it all comes down to dust, I will help you if I must; I will kill you if I can."

- Leonard Cohen Miss Lindsay

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It's funny how Aussies hate the Python skits set there, but I have never heard a Canuckistani complain about this.

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All Hail Blingee!

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Yup. Between the comic-opera vapors and flailing bluster, Lindsey was the only source of momentary coherence.

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Evan, could you use something besides your police mug shot as your author avatar? It makes you look like a not-funny person, even though you are, with votes, sparkles, rainbows and whatever else ya got.

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Somebody said that the more optimistic candidate gets the White House. If I was Hillary or Bernie, I would go full throttle on optimism, starting now. 'Cause the Republicans sure aren't doing it.

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Ah, Lindsey. We hardly knew ye.

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Didn't he already do that to his phone?

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I thought he dropped out of the race to enjoy his honeymoon with the new Mr. Graham.

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