black hole of stoopid. there is gonna be so much stoopid collected there it's going to cause an event horizon and suck the rest of the universe right in with it.

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To eliminate the mideastern-style hate, we're going to have to give up pindromes, cendars and flopian tubes, just for starters.

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What is this newance of which you speak? Give me traditional American oldance!

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We're going to bomb the definite article into the Middle Ages.

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tip-the-bell-boyIs that what they call it down south?

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< insert drum sting here >

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He should gone the other way; a few phasers in the hands of some enslaved men and women and their abolitionist allies back in the 19th century would have changed a lot of history for the better.

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Why I never!

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Reminds me of a Southern friend that used to say: "Let's get into our soft clothes, and drop down."

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Oh my.

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He led the singing of the Reading Rainbow theme song at my daughter's high school graduation. It was magical!

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On the bright side, I bet the shooter really loves being called an Arab. So there's that...

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Or magazine, or a lot of other words.

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And preface each sentence with, "I do declare..."

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"I have always depended upon the kindness and understanding of South Carolina voters."

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Why should the GOP care that Roof is a murdering white supremacist, unless they have been welcoming white supremacists as supporters of...Oh, I see.

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