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The devil gets all the good lines...

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Though one can derive some small, queer satisfaction whenever someone plays that oh-so-sanctimonious speech he made in 1998 about how Nixon was primed for impeachment the minute he refused to comply with a Congressional subpoena -- and just like you too, Bill Clinton!

About Der Trumpenfuehrer's endless obstructionism . . . not a word. Could it be that Graham is a hypocrite to his core?

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Yes, we all miss Mayor Lindsey, good-looking fella.

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I'm still in SC, fightin' in the trenches (j/k, just voting and stuff). I agree with you. That's why I just call Graham a scum-sucking sycophant. But in the context of LGBT issues, I could see people wanting to point out possible hypocrisy on his part. On the other hand, I don't think it's possible to tell someone's sexual orientation for sure from circumstantial evidence, but what do I know.

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Her husband thought the brain transplant would be a good idea.

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It's called cranial-rectal inversion. I am not sure how the Republicans select for it but it may be a disease located in most of the Ivy League schools and supported by Republican wives.

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Two words not meant to be used together, thought and Lindsey.

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And so mannered, why I never met a man so mannered.

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Since I cancelled the NYT, I had some wiggle room and have now subscribed to Wonkette! Yay me! In other news, Lindsey Graham can kiss my Wonkette-subscribin' ass!

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Graham INVENTED the Kavanaugh hissy!

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It could be that Graham is just as guilty as fDumpf.

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"The Apprentice, the Crimes of the Republicans" new season starting Wed.

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MIss Lindsey is in common enough usage here

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Look Ma, the idiots got no panties.

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Baconz big

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